
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Northeast Community News – January 24, 2017

          Dear Friends and Family! 
     What a wonderful day we had in the Lord, Sunday! While weather, sickness, and disinterest seem to have affected our attendance recently, it has not affected the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in our services! From Gerry D’s leading in Sunday school, to Steve H’s leading singing in worship, to our messages, the Holy Spirit continues to lead and bless! If it has been awhile since you’ve been at Northeast Community, maybe it’s time to come check us out! God is certainly moving in our midst and lives are being challenged and changed! Amen? Amen! 
     Our message this week came from Isaiah 61:1-3 and titled, “Stewardship of the Good News!” This week concluded our 4-week sermon series on stewardship! We learned a steward is a person responsible to care for someone else’s stuff! As Christians, we understand God is the Creator, Sustainer, and Owner of everything! Our task is not to own but to care for everything God has entrusted us, including ourselves, our talents, our wealth, and our own salvation! 
     In Isaiah 61:1-3, the prophet comforts the people of God with words of good news. Here Isaiah shares the timeless message that God cares about His people and promises to redeem them. As Christians we know God fulfilled His promise when Jesus became incarnate and after living with us died on a cross and rose again to fulfill God’s plan! In fact, when we compare Isaiah 6:1 with the very words of Christ in Luke 4:18-19 we discover Jesus is indeed the One Isaiah prophesied! 
     Jesus declared, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke 4:18-19).
The Gospel accounts are filled with Jesus doing just that! But, the Spirit of Christ still comes and brings good news to the poor, still frees the captives, and still heals the physically and spiritually blind! If we are to steward the good news, we must recognize Jesus is the good news, realize He really is good news, and accept Him as our own Lord and Savior. Have you been born again?
To be good stewards of the good news of Jesus Christ does require us to receive and believe, but it doesn’t stop with us! We must realize Jesus still desires to bring His good news to the poor, the hurting, the addicted, the brokenhearted, and those in jail. Jesus is still pouring light into dark hearts and healing to those physically blind. Jesus still brings salvation to the least of these in our towns, our families, and on our streets as homeless and to our world. 
     Which begs the question…are you ready to let God stretch you beyond your comfort zone? Are you willing to let those you know through your witness that Jesus still has the ability to set free people in bondage, heal the broken, and pour light into the dark lives of those you encounter? 
     To be a good steward of the Gospel requires us to recognize and accept the good news, realize it moves beyond our own needs, and move beyond fears to share His amazing and transforming grace! May God use us to change the world for Him!       Blessings, Pastor Dan
Starting this week, our Wed. night Bible study for all ages will meet at the parsonage across the parking lot (883 Fuller Ave NE). By doing this, we are being good stewards by not spending the money needed to heat the church over the winter. The Study will still be from 6:30-7:30 and we will still eat ice cream! Invite a friend and come over!
Meet and enjoy the food and fellowship on February 16th.  Meet at the restaurant at 11:30 AM.
Join in the fun and fellowship with other ladies from our church.  We will be meeting Saturday, February 25th, at 10:30AM at the church.  Bring along your own craft to work on, or assist with another craft (making cards for Tracy to send to church people), or just sit and enjoy the conversation! Call/text Cherry for rides or information @ 616-916-7595.    See you there!!!
TEAM Day 2017 IS COMING TO Perry Michigan again on March 18, 2017.
      We are looking forward to a full day of inspiration, motivation, rekindling friendships, networking with others, and soaking up the possibilities for ministry in your local community.
   Our goal every year is that people will make connections with ministries, and to be encouraged to look for the possibilities for ministry in their community. TEAM Day is about letting you meet and talk to other people from around our three Michigan Districts and our Educational Region, and see the opportunities for ministry that are in our communities. We have workshops on many topics that are vital in the church (leadership, worship, discipleship, missions, children, youth). We will have an enlightening worship service to start the day. Lunch is included on the campus of the school. There are ministry vendors that will be available throughout the day to discuss specific ministries that you may want to participate Some of you may say “But I am already so busy, I am tired…”; this is a chance to recharge your batteries. This is a chance to see others who are also busy, and to encourage each other. You are not serving on an island, we need to support and encourage each other. TEAM Day is one way that we can help do that.
      Mark your calendars (Saturday, March 18, 2017at Perry Michigan from 8 am to 4 pm). Visit the 

website, download the brochure, and register yourself and several from your church to attend. The cost is $30 before February 15, and $40 after February 15 and before March 1st.   We hope to see you there!
PO Box 678 , Perry, MI 48872
email: or 517-675-7442 (evenings or leave a message please)

If you knit or crochet, and can make hats and/or mittens for men or women, the stewards would love to add them to the bags for the homeless. 
  1. Socks, 2) combs, 3) hand sanitizer, 4) toothbrush,  5) toothpaste, 6) dental floss, 
7)Kleenex, 8) Band-aids, 9) crackers (or other non-perishable food items), 10) $5-10 gift cards at fast food restaurants, 11) bottle of water, 12) mints, 13) words of encouragement, 14) feminine hygiene products (for female bags only), 15) black permanent marker
   I'm writing to invite you and any members of your church to be a part of the largest Nazarene Work & Witness project called, One Heart - Many Hands Indianapolis 2017!  This week-long service project will take place June 18-23.   In a recent conversation with Dr. David Downs, the District Superintendent of the West Texas District, it came to my attention that many pastors are under the impression that One Heart - Many Hands (OHMH) projects are just for youth groups. In actuality, OHMH is a Work & Witness project geared for the entire church to participate in. Many churches bring multi generational groups who work on the project and learn from each other. In past General assembly years we have averaged 2000 Nazarenes serving together with OHMH to leave the fingerprints of God all over the General Assembly host city.
   I'm sure you receive hundreds of emails each year encouraging you and your church to be a part of something…  OHMH is a unique Work & Witness project that not only affords your group the opportunity to be involved in missions together but also to experience the Global Church of the Nazarene in a very visible and tangible way as team members participate in the General Assembly services.
   Would you prayerfully consider encouraging your church to take advantage of this opportunity to serve alongside thousands of Nazarenes this summer in Indianapolis?  For more information about this service project please contact our office at or visit our website at       Thank you,  George Sisler
Thank you to everyone who is collecting Campbell Soup labels and General Mills box tops! While it seems small, the cash they generate really adds up! This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for Nazarene Sun Valley Indian School. Questions, labels and box tops should go to Fran S. or Sherry J.
Is there someone missing or would like to invite to church? Why not grab a few church postcards and send them out? A simple hand written note blesses everyone! You will find them on the table under the missionary bulletin board in the Annex.
“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! Feel free to take one! You’ll find them located on the table outside the sanctuary!
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter, just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
Now to Feb. 12         Collection of Items for the Homeless
Feb. 16                       Third Thursday Chinese Lunch @ Hibachi Grill-Alpine @ 11:30 AM
Feb. 25                       Ladies Rendezvous at the church @ 10:30 AM
Feb. 26                       Missions Sunday @ 5 PM
March 18                   TEAM DAY @ Perry, MI    8am-4pm

Friday, January 20, 2017

Northeast Community News – January 17, 2017

   Dear Friends and Family! 
      Yes, we had another wonderful day in the Lord, Sunday! This week something happened that made me think…As I was standing in the lobby before our worship service Valda E. kept pacing back and forth looking out the door. When I asked why, she enthusiastically shared her hope that a friend she had invited to church this week might come. Her eagerness and excitement at the thought of this friend visiting was so intense it almost seemed tangible. 
     And this made me wonder…how long has it been since I was this excited about a visitor coming to our church? How long had it been since I found myself pacing back and forth excited at the notion someone I had invited might come worship; might experience the salvation I’d received? Thanks for the reminder, Valda! May all of us find ourselves pacing in the lobby praying that our friend, coworker, classmate, or acquaintance will join us here at Northeast Community! Amen!
     Our message this week came from Psalm 126 and was titled, “Stewardship of our Wealth.” A steward is someone who has responsibility to take care of someone else’s property. Christians understand God is the Creator and Sustainer of all we have, including ourselves. Our task, then, is to care for all God possesses including ourselves, our gifts and talents, and our wealth! 
     Ps. 126 was written as the people of Israel returned to Jerusalem from Babylonian captivity. How did they respond to their newfound freedom? We read in vv. 1b-2b, “…we were like men who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy.” Do you remember when you were freed from your captivity? Ps. 126 reminds us stewardship begins with our testimony! They are gifts to give thanks for, internalize, and then tell others! 
     This is the foundation for stewardship! Long before you had enough sense to care for yourself; while you were still stuck in the muck, God sent Jesus to save you and set you free! In v. 3 the Psalmist declared, “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” 
But, when the people of Israel returned to Jerusalem and the surrounding cities they found the Temple, sacred sites, walls, and homes destroyed. While they had been released from captivity, their lives were in shambles. In v. 4 the people pray, “Restore our fortunes, O LORD…” Know the feeling? I sure did! Yes, Jesus had forgiven and set me free, but oh the disaster I was when He found me. Yes, I wanted Him to restore my fortunes, but I had to face the consequences first. 
But, as God’s prophet at this time made clear in Malachi, the key to rebuilding your life and ‘fortune’ is to put the LORD first in your life! Even when rebuilding your life, putting my needs before God is to ‘rob God’ (see Malachi 3:8). The Psalmist puts it this way: He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him” (126:6). Bottom line, those who trust God first, even in the midst of difficulty and tears, will be blessed! May each of us learn to put God first by giving our 10% tithe joyfully!      Blessings, Pastor Dan
Meet and enjoy the food and fellowship at this event.  Meet at the restaurant at 11:30 AM.
Join in the fun and fellowship with other ladies from our church.  We will be meeting Saturday, January 21, at 10:30AM at the church.  Bring along your own craft to work on, or assist with another craft (making cards for Tracy to send to church people), or just sit and enjoy the conversation! We will also be making plans for the upcoming year and future meeting dates.  Call/text Cherry for rides or information @ 616-916-7595.    See you there!!!
On Saturday January 21, 2017 the Michigan District is sponsoring “The Path of a Peacemaker” workshop at the Perry Church of the Nazarene. The Path of a Peacemaker is intended to assist all believers in resolving conflicts biblically with one another. The goal of Path is to bring healing, reconciliation, and restoration to relationships among believers in Christ. Through its use ministries will be renewed, grace will be promoted, and the witness of Christ greatly enhanced. The cost is $10.00. If you think you might be interested in attending, please see Pastor Dan. 
If you knit or crochet, and can make hats and/or mittens for men or women, the stewards would love to add them to the bags for the homeless. 
  1. Socks, 2) combs, 3) hand sanitizer, 4) toothbrush,  5) toothpaste, 6) dental floss, 
7)Kleenex, 8) Band-aids, 9) crackers (or other non-perishable food items), 10) $5-10 gift cards at fast food restaurants, 11) bottle of water, 12) mints, 13) words of encouragement, 14) feminine hygiene products (for female bags only), 15) black permanent marker
   I'm writing to invite you and any members of your church to be a part of the largest Nazarene Work & Witness project called, One Heart - Many Hands Indianapolis 2017!  This week-long service project will take place June 18-23.   In a recent conversation with Dr. David Downs, the District Superintendent of the West Texas District, it came to my attention that many pastors are under the impression that One Heart - Many Hands (OHMH) projects are just for youth groups. In actuality, OHMH is a Work & Witness project geared for the entire church to participate in. Many churches bring multi generational groups who work on the project and learn from each other. In past General assembly years we have averaged 2000 Nazarenes serving together with OHMH to leave the fingerprints of God all over the General Assembly host city.   I'm sure you receive hundreds of emails each year encouraging you and your church to be a part of something…  OHMH is a unique Work & Witness project that not only affords your group the opportunity to be involved in missions together but also to experience the Global Church of the Nazarene in a very visible and tangible way as team members participate in the General Assembly services.   Would you prayerfully consider encouraging your church to take advantage of this opportunity to serve alongside thousands of Nazarenes this summer in Indianapolis?  For more information about this service project please contact our office at or visit our website at       Thank you,  George Sisler
Thank you to everyone who is collecting Campbell Soup labels and General Mills box tops! While it seems small, the cash they generate really adds up! This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for Nazarene Sun Valley Indian School. Questions, labels and box tops should go to Fran S. or Sherry J.
Is there someone missing or would like to invite to church? Why not grab a few church postcards and send them out? A simple hand written note blesses everyone! You will find them on the table under the missionary bulletin board in the Annex.
“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! Feel free to take one! You’ll find them located on the table outside the sanctuary!
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter, just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
Now to Feb. 12         Collection of Items for the Homeless
Jan. 19                        Third Thursday Chinese Lunch @ Hibachi Grill-Alpine @ 11:30 AM
Jan. 21                        Workshop – The Path of a Peacemaker – Perry Church of the Naz
Jan. 21                        Ladies Rendezvous at the church @ 10:30 AM
Jan. 22                        Missions Sunday @ 5 PM

Northeast Community News – January 10, 2017

  Dear Friends and Family! 
      We had another wonderful day in the Lord, Sunday! As the popular song declares, “Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful…Let it Snow! Let it Snow Let it Snow.” Surely, the weather lately has been frightfully cold! Even while wearing ‘thermal base layers’ under my dress clothes, Sunday, I could feel the cold clawing its way in! And yet, the fire was so delightful! What fire you ask? Did the church install a fireplace? Hardly! In fact, just before the Sunday School hour our furnace even faltered a bit! (but came back). 
No, the fire I’m referring to is the fire of the Holy Spirit that warms from the inside out! This is why we can confidently declare, “Let it Snow!” In fact, this is why we can face the suffering and death of loved ones; the loss of a marriage; the loss of…well, anything, because we know regardless of our circumstances we serve a God who never leaves or forsakes us! Amen!
     Our message this week came from Neh. 2:11-16 and was titled, “Stewardship of Relationships.”Last week, we learned the first creation God ever gave you to ‘steward’ was you! Before you were born, God already intimately knew you, knit you together, and provided you just the right gifts to accomplish the plan He had for your life! This week we see in Nehemiah that if we want to steward the relationships God has gifted us with, we need to assess them clearly, humbly take the initiative to strengthen or rebuild them, and inspire them to see Jesus!
     First, Nehemiah doesn’t just show up and start giving orders. After praying and fasting he began by getting a clear assessment of the problem (Neh. 2:13-15). How about you? Do you have a current assessment on your relationships? How long has it been since you checked with them? 
     Second, Nehemiah took humble action! While the Israelites had returned to Jerusalem decades ago and hadn’t done anything, three days after arriving Nehemiah takes action to rebuild them by making ‘their’ problem ‘our’ problem. Nehemiah doesn’t spend time assessing fault, blaming others, or allowing 70 years of inaction to become an excuse for not doing the right thing. How about you? Are you waiting for someone to make the first move to rebuild your relationship? Do you spend more time assessing blame than solving the problem? Are you sure? 
     Finally, we discover Nehemiah gives God the glory for the rebuilt walls through his testimony. While Nehemiah had once been a lowly cupbearer to the king; that is, the one who drinks the wine first to see if it had been poisoned, in v. 18 Nehemiah says something like, “Look, if God can use a lowly man like me to do something great; He can use you, too!” What about you? How could God use your testimony to encourage others? (hint: start with your before story)
     While I do pray your relationships are all strong (unlike mine), if they aren’t, begin being a good steward of them by assessing them clearly, taking the humble initiative, and giving God the glory through your testimony! Everything is possible with God!      
Blessings, Pastor Dan
Meet and enjoy the food and fellowship at this event.  Meet at the restaurant at 11:30 AM.
Join in the fun and fellowship with other ladies from the church.  We will be meeting Saturday, January 21, at 10:30AM at the church.  Bring along your own craft to work on, or assist with another craft (making cards for Tracy to send to church people), or just sit and enjoy the conversation!   
On Saturday January 21, 2017 the Michigan District is sponsoring “The Path of a Peacemaker” workshop at the Perry Church of the Nazarene. The Path of a Peacemaker is intended to assist all believers in resolving conflicts biblically with one another. The goal of Path is to bring healing, reconciliation, and restoration to relationships among believers in Christ. Through its use ministries will be renewed, grace will be promoted, and the witness of Christ greatly enhanced. The cost is $10.00. If you think you might be interested in attending, please see Pastor Dan. 
If you knit or crochet, and can make hats and/or mittens for men or women, the stewards would love to add them to the bags for the homeless. 
1)    Socks, 2) combs, 3) hand sanitizer, 4) toothbrush,  5) toothpaste, 6) dental floss, 
7)Kleenex, 8) Band-aids, 9) crackers (or other non-perishable food items), 10) $5-10 gift cards at fast food restaurants, 11) bottle of water, 12) mints, 13) words of encouragement, 14) feminine hygiene products (for female bags only), 15) black permanent marker
   I'm writing to invite you and any members of your church to be a part of the largest Nazarene Work & Witness project called, One Heart - Many Hands Indianapolis 2017!  This week-long service project will take place June 18-23.
   In a recent conversation with Dr. David Downs, the District Superintendent of the West Texas District, it came to my attention that many pastors are under the impression that One Heart - Many Hands (OHMH) projects are just for youth groups. In actuality, OHMH is a Work & Witness project geared for the entire church to participate in. Many churches bring multi generational groups who work on the project and learn from each other. In past General assembly years we have averaged 2000 Nazarenes serving together with OHMH to leave the fingerprints of God all over the General Assembly host city.
   I'm sure you receive hundreds of emails each year encouraging you and your church to be a part of something…  OHMH is a unique Work & Witness project that not only affords your group the opportunity to be involved in missions together but also to experience the Global Church of the Nazarene in a very visible and tangible way as team members participate in the General Assembly services.
   Would you prayerfully consider encouraging your church to take advantage of this opportunity to serve alongside thousands of Nazarenes this summer in Indianapolis?  For more information about this service project please contact our office at or visit our website at       Thank you,  George Sisler
Thank you to everyone who is collecting Campbell Soup labels and General Mills box tops! While it seems small, the cash they generate really adds up! This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for Nazarene Sun Valley Indian School. Questions, labels and box tops should go to Fran S. or Sherry J.
Is there someone missing or would like to invite to church? Why not grab a few church postcards and send them out? A simple hand written note blesses everyone! You will find them on the table under the missionary bulletin board in the Annex.
“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! Feel free to take one! You’ll find them located on the table outside the sanctuary!
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter, just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
Now to Feb. 12         Collection of Items for the Homeless
Jan.  14                       Board Meeting
Jan. 19                        Third Thursday Chinese Lunch @ Hibachi Grill-Alpine @ 11:30 AM
Jan. 21                        Workshop – The Path of a Peacemaker – Perry Church of the Naz
Jan. 21                        Ladies Rendezvous at the church @ 10:30 AM
Jan. 22                        Missions Sunday