
Friday, December 28, 2018

Northeast Community News – December 26, 2018

Dear Friends and Family!      
What a whirlwind week we’ve had in the Lord this week! Yes, we had another wonderful day in the Lord, Sunday. Yes, we had a wonderful day in the Lord, Christmas Eve, too! But as I write it is Christmas Day and I can already tell it’s going to be another wonderful day to celebrate Jesus!
I do wish I had coordinated the timing of our newsletter better…. I’d originally intended to write the pastor’s paragraph and send it to Deb on Christmas Eve. But then I remembered Christmas Eve is Deb’s birthday! You can’t ask someone to work on their birthday, right? But, later when I considered the alternative, it didn’t seem right to send my paragraph to her on Christmas, either! 
Alas, I am sitting here in the quiet of Christmas Day writing, but I expect you won’t receive your Northeast Community News until tomorrow at the earliest! I do hope you had a wonder filled Christmas morning. Remember, Christmas isn’t about presents; it’s about presence! My prayer is that you will sense His presence this Merry Christmas in a way you haven’t in a long time! 
         God’s message Sunday came from Luke 1:39-55 and was titled, ‘The Promise of Hope.’ The very nature of Advent is an expecting waiting for the fulfillment of a promise made. We were promised that Jesus would be born – promised He would die – and promised that He would rise again! In each of these promises, all people have received a life worth hoping in. 
         In Mary’s song, we discover she is the first to hear three other promises. In verse 51, the Spirit has revealed when Jesus comes, there will be a moral revolution turning the world upside down. “He has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts” (Luke 1:51b)When Jesus comes God has promised there will be a new standard for holiness! Holiness based on pride and power will be replaced with humility, submission, and a new dependence on God.  
Second, in verse 52, God promises Mary when Jesus comes, there will be a social revolution, too! “He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble” (Luke 1:52). While pride refuses to accept God's gifts or acknowledge God’s help or takes credit, Mary humbly accepts her high calling from God and gives Him the glory! Who gets the praise in your life? 
Finally, in verse 53, God promises Mary when Jesus comes, there will be an economic revolution, too! “He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty” (Luke 1:53). While we often seem obsessed with accumulating things and not caring for others, Jesus calls us to call on the weary and those who are burdened and offer them rest (Matthew 11:28).
            Remember, these are promises God intends to fulfill! Jesus came to bring about a moral, social, and economic revolution! My prayer is that it is being fulfilled in you!             Blessings, Pastor Dan
Join us for supper at 5:30, and then hear about what is happening around the world where our missionaries are!   This begins at 6:30 PM.  
            Again, at 11:30 AM, join others at Hibachi Grill off Alpine for good food and fun!  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Tracy T.
            Come to the church on this Saturday at 10:30 AM and enjoy time with others in fellowship and also snacks.  Bring along a craft or perhaps help Tracy make cards for people this year.  
Janie’s employer has graciously given us free access to their online security training class again this year for anyone interested. From their training site:
 More than ever, your users are the weak link in your network security. KnowBe4 is the world’s most popular integrated Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing platform with over 10,000 customers. 
Our basic training modules specialize in making sure employees understand the mechanisms of spam, phishing, spear-phishing, malware and social engineering, and are able to apply this knowledge in their day-to-day job. You get high quality web-based interactive training combined with common traps, live demonstration videos, short comprehension tests and scenario-based Danger Zone exercises. 
As someone who has helped clean up many viruses, this is valuable stuff! Here’s the link:  Use the password: homecourse
Have questions? Contact Pastor Dan –
Dinner is served from 5:30 to 6:15 pm (before Bible study). Volunteers are needed to make main dishes, side dishes, or desserts.  Please contact Cherry with any questions.   At 6:30 PM, Bible study for adults and kids begins.
The church is looking for someone who is interested in being a sound booth technician.  You will need to be able to attend music practices Sunday morning at 9 AM.  Let Janie know if you are interested at 616-204-2499 or
Thank you for collecting General Mills box tops!  This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for the Native American Christian Academy. Questions and box tops should go to Fran S. or Sherry J.
“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! Feel free to take one! You’ll find them located on the table outside the sanctuary!
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter, just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
December 26             Missions Night at 6:30 PM
January 14                 Board Meeting
January 17                 Third Thursday Chinese lunch @ Hibachi Grill 11:30 AM
January 26         Women’s Rendezvous at 10:30 AM at church

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Northeast Community News – December 18, 2018

Dear Friends and Family!      
We had another wonderful day in the Lord, Sunday! While many of us were out due to sickness and travel, I remain convinced that regardless of the number, any time we gather to worship God is a wonderful day! Has it been a while since you came to worship God? Why not come and join us this Sunday or on Christmas Eve? Trust me, you’ve never been gone too long or strayed too far that you can’t come back home. As Motel 6 often said, ‘We’ll keep the light on for you!’ 
Yesterday afternoon, Janie and I finally put up our Christmas tree and our four grandkids helped decorate. While there were a few minor glitches, like when 20-month-old Jacob thought the large glass ornaments probably bounce like a rubber ball (twice), it was a reminder that as Christians, we can use any and all events to share His story! Perhaps we have started a new tradition in our family… what are some of yours? How might you use the ‘stuff of Christmas’ to share your faith?
       God’s message to us this week came from Luke 3:1-7-18 and was titled, ‘The Generosity of Hope.’ While Paul reminds us in Philippians to be joyful always, John the Baptist is anything but joyful! Instead of joyful, John is threatening and warning. Why? Because as he is baptizing repentant sinners, he suddenly notices some Pharisees, Sadducees, and priests have come. 
    He responds in vs. 7-9 with anger and accusation: What makes you think that you can escape the wrath of God by coming down here and going through the motions of repentance like you mean it when everyone knows you don’t? Your Jewish heritage isn’t going to help you. God is getting ready to thin this forest called Israel of any trees not producing fruit. 
    But then something remarkable happens. Someone in the crowd says something I hear in a small childlike ‘tone of voice’ in v. 10: “What should we do then?” the crowd asked” (3:10). In other words, what we should do if we don’t want to be cut down and tossed in the fire?
    To those who are willing; to those who are serious; to those who really want to prepare for the coming of Jesus, John offers 3 bits of advice: share, don’t cheat, and don’t be a bully. First, in v. 11 John tells them to share: John answered, “The man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same” (Luke 3:11).
    Second, John tells the tax collectors to stop cheating people in v. 13: “Don’t collect any more than you are required to,” he told them” (Luke 3:13). Finally, he tells Roman soldiers, ‘don’t be a bully’ in v. 14: “Then some soldiers asked him, “And what should we do?” He replied, “Don’t extort money and don’t accuse people falsely—be content with your pay” (Luke 3:14).
            So, how about you? Are you ready to get serious this Advent or are you just going through the motions? Jesus has come into the world to bring light, joy, and a true generosity of hope. It’s time to leave the dark places of life! Rejoice in the Lord, dear ones!
                                                           Blessings, Pastor Dan

            It is time again to get your fill of delicious Asian cuisine at the Hibachi Grill off Alpine.  We meet there at 11:30 AM.  
Make plans to invite a friend and come to church for a traditional time of ‘carols and communion’ on Christmas Eve. We will begin our service with our traditional lighting a candle to acknowledge our pain at Christmas.  Sadly, Christmas can often be a time when we feel ashamed to express our true feelings of pain and loss in the midst of joyful music and celebratory praise.  But we believe there can be no better place and time to bring your loss and pain to Jesus then on Christmas Eve! The service will also include a time of communion, a traditional telling of the Christmas Story, the singing of Christmas songs, and we will certainly close by candle light singing “Silent Night.” The night will conclude with a Christmas Cookie fellowship! Hope to see you there! 
Join us for supper at 5:30, and then hear about what is happening around the world where our missionaries are!   This begins at 6:30 PM.  
Janie’s employer has graciously given us free access to their online security training class again this year for anyone interested. From their training site:
 More than ever, your users are the weak link in your network security. KnowBe4 is the world’s most popular integrated Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing platform with over 10,000 customers. 
Our basic training modules specialize in making sure employees understand the mechanisms of spam, phishing, spear-phishing, malware and social engineering, and are able to apply this knowledge in their day-to-day job. You get high quality web-based interactive training combined with common traps, live demonstration videos, short comprehension tests and scenario-based Danger Zone exercises. 
As someone who has helped clean up many viruses, this is valuable stuff! Here’s the link:  Use the password: homecourse
Have questions? Contact Pastor Dan –
Dinner is served from 5:30 to 6:15 pm (before Bible study).  Volunteers are needed to make main dishes, side dishes, or desserts.  Please contact Cherry with any questions.   At 6:30 PM, Bible study for adults and kids begins.
The church is looking for someone who is interested in being a sound booth technician.  You will need to be able to attend music practices Sunday morning at 9 AM.  Let Janie know if you are interested at 616-204-2499 or
Thank you for collecting General Mills box tops!  This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for the Native American Christian Academy. Questions and box tops should go to Fran S. or Sherry J.
“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! Feel free to take one! You’ll find them located on the table outside the sanctuary!
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter, just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
December 20             Third Thursday Chinese Lunch at Hibachi Grill 11:30 AM
December 24             Christmas Eve service at 6 PM
December 26             Missions Night at 6:30 PM
January 14                 Board Meeting

January 26                 Women’s Rendezvous at 10:30 AM at church

Monday, November 12, 2018

Northeast Community News – November 12, 2018

Dear Friends and Family!       
       We had another wonderful day in the Lord, Sunday! It was Veteran’s Day! And though some of our veterans could not be in service due to sickness, we honored those who could be with us! Who are the veterans affiliated with Northeast Community? Eddie Boeve, Larry Branagan, Terry Buning, Rev. Chris Christopher, Bob Hill, Dick Morse, Andy Morse, and Donald Petersen. These men and men and women like them are living heroes! 
       We closed our worship service with a series of prayers for our veterans. Here are three of them:
We prayed our veterans felt honored: “God, please let every veteran of our nation’s armed forces feel truly and appropriately honored by the attention and appreciation of their fellow citizens. Let no one feel forgotten or neglected. Let every man and woman, young or old, feel the deep and enduring gratitude of our nation and its inhabitants.”
We prayed our veterans are healed: “Lord, You know how deep a warrior’s wounds go. You know the loss that many of our veterans in body and soul. You know the memories that haunt them and the scars that many of them continue to carry.  Please bring healing to those veterans who still hurt. Please grant patience and wisdom to those around them who cannot understand but can sometimes help the healing process. Please apply both natural and supernatural medicine to their wounds.”
We prayed our veterans know Jesus: “Almighty God, You know every veteran by name. You know their deeds, their hard work, and their perseverance. You know their needs, both material and spiritual. Please draw each one closer to you and grant them all the peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7), the peace of Christ to rule in their hearts (Colossians 3:15), and ‘joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand’ forevermore (Psalm 16:11).”
       Remember, it’s never too late to thank a veteran for their service. They will likely respond, “I was just doing my job,” but don’t let that stop you from reminding them they are still a hero. If weren’t for their willingness to serve and sacrifice, we wouldn’t have the freedoms we now enjoy! Amen!
       God’s message this week came to us from Ruth 2:1-23 and was titled, “The Anonymous God.” Do you realize out of the 12,000 different words in the Bible, ‘luck’ isn’t one of them? We ought not believe in luck; we ought to believe God has a plan for us and we are blessed! Incredibly blessed!
Ruth chapter 2 opens with Naomi returning to Judah penniless, husband-less, and deeply cynical. The only earthly thing she had going for her was her Moab daughter-in-law Ruth, also a widow. But, when we are God’s children and we trust in God, there is more going for us than we know! For Ruth and Naomi, God had already arranged their deliverance through Boaz, a close relative! 
Did this happen by chance? Was it just an amazing coincidence? Did Ruth just get lucky? Of course not! Repeatedly, we find examples of God caring and providing for Ruth. So how about you? Has life been hard lately? Like Ruth, God knows your struggle and is near you working behind the scenes to bring about something good out of it! Trust Him!                                  Blessings Pastor Dan!
            Begin thinking about what you would like to donate to World Evangelism Fund for the Thanksgiving Offering.  This money is used for many things around the world.  
            Our next monthly meeting at the Hibachi Grill off Alpine is Thursday, November 15, at 11:30 AM.  Any questions, please feel free to see Tracy T.
            This month, we will be meeting at Linda K’s house at 10:30 AM, on November 17, for fellowship, fun, and a little food.  A craft will be provided (button frames).  So bring any extra buttons you have to decorate with.    A map will be provided.   For any questions, feel free to contact Cherry.
            After eating a delicious meal, at 6:30 PM, join in and learn what is happening in other parts of the world in the mission field.   
Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 6:15 pm(before Bible study).  Volunteers are needed to make main dishes, side dishes, or desserts.  Please contact Cherry with any questions.   At 6:30 PM, Bible study for adults and kids begins.
The church is looking for someone who is interested in being a sound booth technician.  You will need to be able to attend music practices Sunday morning at 9 AM.  Let Janie know if you are interested at 616-204-2499 or
Thank you for collecting General Mills box tops!  This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for the Native American Christian Academy. Questions and box tops should go to Fran S. or Sherry J.
Is there someone missing or would like to invite to church? Why not grab a few church postcards and send them out? A simple hand written note blesses everyone! You will find them on the table under the missionary bulletin board in the Annex.
“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! Feel free to take one! You’ll find them located on the table outside the sanctuary!
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter, just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
November                 Thanksgiving W.E.F. Offering
November 15            Third Thursday Chinese Lunch @ Hibachi Grill 11 AM
November 17            Women’s Rendezvous @ church 10:30 AM
November 28            Missions Night @ 6:30 PMat church
November 30            Board Appreciation Dinner
December 9               Church Potluck after the morning message

Monday, November 5, 2018

Northeast Community News – November 5, 2018

Dear Friends and Family!       
         It was another wonderful day in the Lord, Sunday! This week was the first Sunday of the month with means it was an opportunity to receive the elements of Communion. If you are anything like me, you look forward to these once a month tangible reminder of the price of your salvation. His body was beaten, bruised, and hung on The Cross; His blood was poured out the cross for you! So, whatever you may be facing today, know this: God loves you so much He sent Jesus to die for you! 
         God’s message this week came to us from Ruth 1:1-16 and titled, “Make the Next Right Choice.” As the book of Ruth opens, we discover decisions have consequences.  How? We read:  “In the days when the judges ruled, there was a famine in the land, and a man from Bethlehem in Judah, together with his wife and two sons, went to live for a while in the country of Moab” (v. 1).
Why was there famine in the land? Judges 21:25 declares: “At that time there was no king in Israel. People did whatever they felt like doing” (Judges 21:25 TM). The consequence of rebellion and sin was famine in the land. So, what does Elimelech do? Rebel and sin again by moving his family into Moab, the long-time bitter enemy of Israel! Not only did Ruth’s father in law try to escape God’s judgment on his own people; he doubled down by disobeying God a second time. 
How about you? Do you ever rebel against God and double down by covering up your sin? If you’ve sinned, confess your sin, and repent! Sadly, Elimelech doesn’t and it has devastating results! Not only does he die, but his two sons die ten years later, too! It is important to realize your sin affects more than you! It hurts everyone around you! 
So, what should Naomi, Elimelech’s widow do? What should Ruth and Orpah, the Moabite daughters’-in-law, do? Will they turn (return) to God or continue in their sin and rebellion and worship false gods? After Naomi makes the next right choice to return to Judah and her people, Ruth declares: “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God” (Ruth 1:16).
Ruth shows us the next right choice puts God first! Ruth made the choice to follow God even in the worst of times. Her husband was dead. She was a poor widow. She could have made the easy decision and gone back to her family and friends, like Orpah, but she chose to put God first.
       Second, Ruth shows us even well-meaning people can give terrible advice! Naomi told Ruth and Orpah to return to their pagan religion! Yikes! But Ruth trusted the living God more than the person who had shown her God and told her to leave. Yes, get advice dear ones! But make sure you have prayed, read your scriptures, and received guidance from the Holy Spirit!
       Finally, Ruth teaches us to surround ourselves with the right people. Ruth could have returned to her Moabite family and surrounded herself with their gods! If she had, she would have likely gone back to worshiping their false gods, too. So, who are your people? My prayer is that you will put God first, check your advice, and surround yourself with God’s people as you make the next right choice (regardless of your last bad choices)! Amen? Amen!                              Blessings Pastor Dan!

            Begin thinking about what you would like to donate to World Evangelism Fund for the Thanksgiving Offering.  This money is used for many things around the world.  
            Our next monthly meeting at the Hibachi Grill off Alpine is Thursday, November 15, at 11:30 AM.  Any questions, please feel free to see Tracy T.
            This month, we will be meeting at Linda K’s house at 10:30 AM, on November 17, for fellowship, fun, and a little food.  A craft will be provided (button frames).  So bring any extra buttons you have to decorate with.    A map will be provided.   For any questions, feel free to contact Cherry.
            As the weather again turns cold, we will be collecting blankets and coats to be donated to the homeless at Mel Trotter Ministries.  This collection will be from mid-October through mid-November.    Our goal is 100 blankets.
Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 6:15 pm(before Bible study).  Volunteers are needed to make main dishes, side dishes, or desserts.  Please contact Cherry with any questions.   At 6:30 PM, Bible study for adults and kids begins.
What: Weekly Bike Rides; Time: 2:30pm until aprox. 4:30pmCost: Free! 
Where: From Rogue River Park in Belmont to Rockford on the paved White Pine Trail (9 miles). Rogue River Park is located at 6300 Belmont Ave NE – Belmont, MI 49306
The church is looking for someone who is interested in being a sound booth technician.  You will need to be able to attend music practices Sunday morning at 9 AM.  Let Janie know if you are interested at 616-204-2499 or
Thank you for collecting General Mills box tops!  This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for the Native American Christian Academy. Questions and box tops should go to Fran S. or Sherry J.
Is there someone missing or would like to invite to church? Why not grab a few church postcards and send them out? A simple hand written note blesses everyone! You will find them on the table under the missionary bulletin board in the Annex.
“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! Feel free to take one! You’ll find them located on the table outside the sanctuary!
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter, just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
November 11            Thanksgiving W.E.F. Offering
November 11            Sunday afternoon bike rides @ 2:30 PM – Rogue River Park
November 15            Third Thursday Chinese Lunch @ Hibachi Grill 11 AM
November 17            Women’s Rendezvous @ church 10:30 AM
November 30            Board Appreciation Dinner

Monday, October 29, 2018

Northeast Community News – October 29, 2018

Dear Friends and Family!       
    We had another wonderful day in the Lord, Sunday! It is hard to believe how fast the leaves are falling off the trees! Parts of the parking lot were beautifully blanketed with leaves! But, this was one cold blanket! The rain was cold Sunday morning, but as one person said, “It is still better than snow!” But even when it is cold and rainy outside, it’s warm in our church! Sure, the temperature in the sanctuary was warm, but the warmth of our people and the Spirit is real and wonderful! If you haven’t been to church in a while, it’s time to come out of the cold and warm up with us! 
       God’s message this week came to us from Psalm 104 and was titled, “How Great Thou Art.” When was the last time something ‘wowed’ you and moved you to praise God? Do you come to worship expecting to be amazed, awed or astounded in the presence of God? When you walk in nature do you still feel overwhelmed by the sight of a wild flower, butterfly, or the stars in the sky? Do you still marvel at God’s ability to create a human body and provide salvation? The Psalmist does. 
       In verses 1-2a, we read, “Praise the Lord, O my soul. O Lordmy God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty. He wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent…” (Ps. 104:1-2a).   In verses 5-6, we read, “He [God] set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. 6 You covered it with the deep as with a garment; the waters stood above the mountains” (Ps. 104:5-6).   And in verse 28, we read, “When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things” (Ps. 104:28).
God is the author and creator of every good thing! So, what should you do if you’ve lost your ability to experience wonder and praise God? In Genesis c. 28:10-16, Jacob encounters God in an unlikely place…in the middle of the desert while sleeping with a rock for a pillow. In the middle of nowhere, Jacob realizes he has been in the presence of God; a God who makes amazing promises. When he awoke he said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it” (Gen. 28:10-16).
Jacob discovered the secret of wonder-filled living. When you wake up to the realization the same God who hung the stars, created all life, and made you amazing promises, too, is in your place like Jacob, how can you help but lift your head and praise Him? When life at its hardest, how amazing to realize God is there providing for you, saving you, and comforting you? Somebody ought to get out of their chair and praise God! Woohoo! God is in this place! Hallelujah!                              Blessings Pastor Dan!

       Halloween falls on Wed. night this year and we have decided to let our families celebrate as they see fit. Yes, some think of Halloween as an attack on Christianity and want to take a stand. Others see Halloween as a harmless event that allows kids to collect a bucket of treats. We aren’t able to hold an alternative party or ‘trunk or treat’ and our Wed. night leaders have grandkids who need them to bring God’s love into an event that too often glorifies evil and darkness. So, regardless of your feelings on this matter, please pray our kids will see Jesus in us! See you on Nov. 7th
            Come to church on November 3, Saturday, at 1 PM for Jennifer, Jesse, & Christian.  They are registered at Target &   
            Do not forget to change your clock Saturday night or early Sunday morning as Daylight Savings Time ends and we are back to “regular” time!  
            Begin thinking about what you would like to donate to World Evangelism Fund for the Thanksgiving Offering.  This money is used for many things around the world.  
            Join at the church at 10:30 AM, on November 10, for fellowship, fun, and a little food.  A craft will be provided (button frames).  
            As the weather again turns cold, we will be collecting blankets and coats to be donated to the homeless at Mel Trotter Ministries.  This collection will be from mid-October through mid-November.    Our goal is 100 blankets.
            Our next monthly meeting at the Hibachi Grill off Alpine is Thursday, November 15, at 11:30 AM.  Any questions, please feel free to see Tracy T.

Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 6:15 pm(before Bible study).  Volunteers are needed to make main dishes, side dishes, or desserts.  Please contact Cherry with any questions.   

What: Weekly Bike Rides; Time: 2:30pm until aprox. 4:30pmCost: Free! 
Where: From Rogue River Park in Belmont to Rockford on the paved White Pine Trail (9 miles). Rogue River Park is located at 6300 Belmont Ave NE – Belmont, MI 49306

The church is looking for someone who is interested in being a sound booth technician.  You will need to be able to attend music practices Sunday morning at 9 AM.  Let Janie know if you are interested at 616-204-2499 or

Thank you for collecting General Mills box tops!  This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for the Native American Christian Academy. Questions and box tops should go to Fran S. or Sherry J.
Is there someone missing or would like to invite to church? Why not grab a few church postcards and send them out? A simple hand written note blesses everyone! You will find them on the table under the missionary bulletin board in the Annex.
“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! Feel free to take one! You’ll find them located on the table outside the sanctuary!
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter, just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
November 3              Baby Shower @ church 1PM (Registered @ Target &
November 4              Daylight Savings Time ends
November 4              Thanksgiving W.E.F. Offering
November 4              Sunday afternoon bike rides @ 2:30 PM – Rogue River Park
November 10            Women’s Rendezvous @ church 10:30 AM
November 12            Church Board Meeting
November 15            Third Thursday Chinese Lunch @ Hibachi Grill 11 AM
November 30            Board Appreciation Dinner