
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Serving at Supper House

We had a great time serving dinner last night! 

Northeast Community News – May 28, 2019

Dear Friends and Family!   
Happy Memorial Day! Well, Happy Memorial Day + 1 day! In observance of Memorial Day our office was closed. I do hope you had an opportunity to give thanks to God for those who have died serving or having served our country, and for other loved ones we have lost. Janie and I had a chance to travel to Fort Custer National Cemetery to visit dad’s grave with mom and attended the Memorial Day parade in Hastings. What did you do to remember those God has given you? 
God’s message this week came to us from 2 Timothy 1:3-5 and was titled, “Lest We Forget.” God has always placed prominence on people! He created them in His image, gave them stewardship over the rest of creation, has enduring love for them, and even after the sinful fall provided them with a Savior so they may be saved, sanctified, and one day return to His presence in heaven.
As we think about Memorial Day, many things can come to mind: extra time off from work, going to the beach, grilling, eating, and the Indy 500 can be some of them. My hope is that you’ll spend some time remembering God and others. In 2 Timothy 1:3-5 we see that Paul remembered his friend Timothy. In verse 3, we read, “I constantly remember my prayers.” In verse 4, we read Paul saying, “Recalling your tears....” and in verse 5, we read, “I have been reminded of your sincere faith...”
Paul remembered Timothy enough to pray for him, remembered the pain and tears in Timothy’s life, and remembered he was a man of faith in the Lord. I would say Timothy was important to Paul… how do I know? Because Paul remembered Timothy and took action! Paul thought about Timothy, prayed for Timothy, and remembered Timothy’s pain, tears, and faith! 
This Memorial Day we need to surely remember those who have died and put those memories to action! How about you? Will your memory take action? But, we ought to also remember the living this Memorial Day. Once Paul was saved, he spent very little time trying to remember and boast of his accomplishments; he spent a whole lot of time on who Jesus wanted him to speak to about their need of a Savior. For Paul, people were more important than accomplishments or failures. 
How about you? Do you remember and care about the needs of the living? John Wesley once said: Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can. So, will you? Will you do ALL the good you can, in ALL the ways you can, to ALL the people you can this Memorial Day or will you make the holiday all about you? Memorial Day is about remembering the dead and the living. I pray you’ll take to time, reflect and give thanks for both! Blessings, Pastor Dan
It is time to buy diapers, and get them to those mothers who have limited finances.  We donate them to Northeast Community Ministry (NECM) who helps low income mothers.  Our goal is 2000 diapers this year.  (We currently have 1513 diapers.) 
Some of us enjoy our ‘Nazarene Nap’ Sunday afternoons and others like to get out into nature and enjoy each other’s company! Why not both? If you can eat a quick lunch take a short nap, you’ll still have time to join us for a relaxing Sunday afternoonbike rides down a safe trail! I promise nobody will get left behind or suffer! But I can’t promise we won’t laugh a lot! We meet at the Rogue River park in Belmont at 2:30pm and ride for about 2 hours. Let Pastor Dan know if you’re interested. Last year we had 10 different riders! This would be a great event to invite a friend! 
This starts July 13 with the NMI Convention, then Mission Advance Agenda July 14 & 15, and then Family Camp July 16 to July 21.  For summer camp information, go
Dinner is served from 5:30 to 6:15 pm (before Bible study).  Volunteers are needed to make 
main dishes, side dishes, or desserts.  Please contact Cherry with any questions.   At 6:30 PM, Bible study for adults and kids begins.
Thank you for collecting General Mills box tops!  This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for the Native American Christian Academy. Questions and box tops should go to Fran S. or Sherry J.
“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! Feel free to take one! You’ll find them located on the table outside the sanctuary!
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, requests are only in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter, just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
May-June                    Diaper Drive all Month – goal is 2000 diapers
May 28                       Serve supper @ St. Alphonsus at 5:30 PM
May 29                       Wednesday Night Dinner @ 5:30 PM – Invite others for free food
June 9                         Church Poluck after morning service
June 20                       3rd Thursday Chinese Lunch at Hibachi Grill off Alpine @ 11:30 AM
June 29                       Women’s Rendezvous at church @ 10:30 AM