
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

NE NEWS - June 4, 2013

Northeast Community News – June 05, 2013
 Dear Friends and Family,
We had another wonderful encounter with God, Sunday! Not only did we encounter God in our time of discipleship at 10am and in our worship singing and the preaching of the Word, but we encountered the Risen Christ as a family at the Lord’s Table, too! I am always profoundly moved when the family of God comes forward to receive the bread and juice. At the Lord’s Table we find EVERYONE who is trusting in Christ for salvation! Members, friends, young, old, rich, poor, new, mature all gather and give thanks! Amen!
God’s message to us this week came from Luke 7:11-17 and was titled ‘Doing What Jesus Did.” Luke shares a story only found in his gospel about an unnamed widow from Nain who has lost her only son. As a Jewish widow in the 1st century without a living son she lacked any rights to her husband’s estate. Sadly, a widow without family and too old to marry had to choose between starving and prostitution. Worse, Jews in the first century viewed death at an early age as the result of sin, so she faced the additional dishonor of whispers, scorn and shame. Can you begin to understand her pain? Ever been there?
Luke 7:11-17 has two primary audiences. First, to the person who is hurting; to the person who feels life is all over; to the person facing scorn and shame it is important to see Jesus goes out of His way to love, extend grace, and help! Jesus travels 25 miles from Capernaum to Nain on dusty roads with a large crowd in tow (v11). You are never too far from Jesus! He was near you before you knew He cared!
But Jesus not only goes out of His way, He knows you regardless of the crowd or chaos that surrounds you (v12-13). Two large crowds surround the widow, but Jesus zeroed in on her! Even before you came to know Jesus, He knew you by name and knew what you really needed! Last, to those hurting, it’s important to know Jesus crosses ‘cultural barriers,’ too (v. 13-15). Jesus doesn’t let personal comfort, touching the dead, or death itself from deterring Him then, and He is not going to let anything stop Him now, either! Regardless of your shame, hurt, or past, Jesus is willing to ‘go there’ to help you!
The second audience Jesus speaks to in this text is the Church. You see if you want to “do as Jesus did” as a Christian disciple you need to be willing to inconvenience yourself. No, you may not be able to walk 25 miles to meet a widow, but you can walk across the street with a plate of cookies, a plant, or a smile! Are you willing to be inconvenienced?
Second, if you want to “do as Jesus did” as a Christian disciple you need to know the needs around you! It is not enough to know (in a generic sense) people are hurting somewhere, Jesus knew individuals. As the hands and feet of Christ, His disciples need to know the hurting by name and get to know them!
Finally, if you “want to do as Jesus did” you cannot let your fear of what others might think about you stop you from loving those who desperately need Good News! Jesus willingly crossed cultural barriers and we should, too! Prostitutes, drug addicts, and homosexuals (certainly not a complete list) need Jesus, too! Let’s take Him to them!

Most of us want to be deep, strong, wise, and mature Christians, but we may not realize those attributes require discipline and concentrated effort! This week we will examine the discipline of guidance! How do you decide what you should do? God has provided a means for us to know what to do! Come join us and see for yourself Wed. at 6:30pm!

Healthy Living! It is a way of life as Holiness People!
“Everything is permissible”—but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is constructive…So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God”  (1 Cor. 10:23, 31).
Everything we do or do not do can bring honor or dishonor to God and be constructive or destructive to the temple of the Holy Spirit! With that said, we plan to bring a variety of articles, thoughts, and opportunities to keep the temple holy and honor God!
If you have any thoughts or suggestions for an article or would like to write one, by all means let us know! Here’s a healthy recipe from Shannen Parsaca! (It was yummy!)
Black Bean Salad with Corn, Red Peppers, Avocado and Lime-Cilantro Vinaigrette
By Jennifer Segal - Servings: 6-8
     2 15-ounce cans black beans, rinsed and drained
     3 ears fresh cooked corn, kernels cut off the cob
     2 red bell peppers, diced
     2 cloves garlic, minced
     2 tablespoons minced shallots, from one medium shallot
     2 teaspoons salt
     1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
     2 tablespoons sugar
     9 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, best quality such as Colavita
     1 teaspoon lime zest (be sure to zest limes before juicing them)
     6 tablespoons fresh lime juice
     1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro, plus more for garnish
     2 Hass avocados, chopped
Combine all ingredients except for avocados in a large bowl and mix well. Cover and chill for a few hours or overnight. Right before serving, add avocados and mix gently, being careful not to mash avocados. Garnish with a more chopped cilantro if desired. Serve at room temperature.

Hello from Pastor Amy, your Associate Pastor/Administrative Secretary
My office hours will vary every Tuesday, and if you need to see me, just call! My responsibilities also include preparing our weekly program, so if you have an event that you would like to put in the program or newsletter, please feel free to contact me!
On Prayer Requests: If you have a specific praise or prayer request which you would like to appear in the program and/or newsletter, please make sure to fill out the tear-off sheet in the weekly program, or contact me at any time.
Please Update Me! We have a long, ongoing list of prayer requests. Please keep me
updated. Requests will be pulled from the newsletter & program after three weeks.
Church Office616-459-2773 My Contact Info: 616-514-9521 or


First Friday Chinese Lunches continue! June 7 @ 11:30am
Everyone is invited to lunch and fellowship at the Hibachi Grill on Alpine on the first Fridayof every month. The group meets at 11:30am, no reservations are required, and the food is cheap and delicious! Talk to Tracy Tamm with questions.

Potluck and Annual Meeting—THIS Sunday June 9th
Our next Northeast Community Potluck will be this Sunday right after morning worship service. Bring a dish to pass if you are able, and join us in the fellowship hall in the basement for great food and fellowship. This time, we will also be holding our annual year-end celebration during our potluck. You will hear reports from each elected department about all the ways that God has been moving in our church over the year. We will also be acknowledging and celebrating our graduates this year with a cake and gift! Everyone is invited to attend! Talk to Irene Pratt to help set up and clean up.

Church Work Day Thank You!
We had an enormous turnout for our last workday on Saturday June 01st. The trustees want to thank everyone for showing up and helping take care of our building and grounds! Thank you again for all your help!

Wednesday Night Potlucks on break for summer!
We have had another great year of potlucks on the last Wednesday nights of every month. Thank you to everyone who was a part of it, and thank you to Julie for coordinating set-up and clean-up. Dinners will break for the summer – see you in the Fall!

Graduation Party for Morgan Barber – June 15th - You are invited!
Everyone is invited to attend Morgan Barber’s graduation party on Saturday June 15thfrom 11am-3pm. The party will be at the Riverside Park Island Pavilion/Shelter located at 2001 Monroe AVE NW in Grand Rapids. There will be lots of food, friends and family. We hope you can make it out to celebrate Morgan’s high school graduation! Talk to Shannen Parasaca if you have any questions.

NEW MISSION BOOKS are available!
Every year Janie challenges everyone to read all of our mission books! There are books for adults and teens and children, and even audio books on CD for those who would rather listen than read. This year, the NMI department has agreed to give $10 towards summer camp fees for every book read by a child or teen! See Janie to get your books and start reading for the year!

You can send mail to Larry! Please note new address!
Most of you know that Larry Terhaar is currently in prison. We received his new address. It is important that he hears from his church family! Don’t forget, we even have church postcards that you can use, just ask Pastor Dan for one! Here is Larry’s new address:
Larry TerHaar # 866962
c/o Marquette Branch Facility
1960 U.S. Highway 41 South
Marquette, MI  49855

40 Days of Prayer for Camp Meeting Started May 29
The District Office has put together a 40-day prayer guide leading up to Camp Meeting this summer at Indian Lake. Copies of the prayer guide are available on the table outside the sanctuary. Would you make intercession a part of your daily prayer life from May 29 thru July 7?  Bless you in advance for taking the time to pray for our District and Camp Meeting! God is good!

Attention Children and Youth! Do You Want to go to Camp?
Indian Lake Nazarene Camp is located in Vicksburg, MI, and is a place where Nazarenes from throughout Michigan join together everyone summer for camp. Many who spent their childhood and teen years at summer camp will agree that camp is not only a lot of fun, but can be life-changing! This year, Indian Lake is offering a special promotion! If we get three new campers to attend, the fourth goes for free! Registration for camp has already begun, and the first deadline for the cheapest price is JUNE 3RD! We have already had three teens register!
 Please note that your church board feels strongly about making sure children and teens who want to go to camp can go! Therefore, scholarships are available to help cover expenses if needed. You can see the bulletin boards, the tables outside of the sanctuary, or Pastor Dan or Pastor Amy if you are interested and want more information! You can also go to the website:, or call 269.649.228. The dates for different ages and camps can be found below:

Discovery Camp (grades 1-2-3): July 1-3
Boys & Girls Camp (Grades 3-4-5): July 29-August 2
Middle School Camp (Grades 6-7-8): July 18-22
High School Camp (Grades 9-12): July 14-18

Feeding the Hungry – July 02! We need your help!
Do you realize there are people in Grand Rapids who are hungry and need food? There is more need than you realize! Jesus told us we love Him by caring for those who hunger, are in prison, are thirsty, and those who are sick (see Matt. 25:35-36). One way to do this is to partner with North End Community Ministry (NECM), pay for a dinner to feed 150 hungry people, and serve at the NECM ‘Supper House’ located at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church on July 02. Will you help? You can give a financial gift (it costs us $200) or help serve and clean up (we need 10 servers). See Pastor Dan for more details!

Indian Lake Nazarene Camp Events
If you don’t know, Indian Lake is a Nazarene campground where people from churches all over our district gather for District Assembly, children and youth camps, and various other activities. Pastor Dan and Janie own two cabins there, and usually invite everyone down to visit during family camp week in July. Here are some upcoming events at Indian Lake as we approach Spring and Summer:
July 4-6 – Family Festival. Fun filled days with activities for all ages, including a 5k walk, other sports, water slides and rides, animal show, crafts, swimming, ponies, pontoon boat rides, a climbing wall and zip line, an outdoor movie and more!
July 7-14 – Family Camp Week/District Assembly. You can find the specific dates for District Assembly events each day of the week by grabbing a brochure from the tables outside the sanctuary, or talk to Pastor Amy. This is a great week and a great time to visit the campground!

Postcard Greetings Now Available
Don’t forget, we have NE Community postcards and they are available to anyone who would like to send them to invite, encourage, miss, or welcome someone to the church! Interested? See a Sunday school teacher or Pastor Amy or Dan.

Upcoming Events
June 07          First Friday Chinese Lunch @ 11:3am, Hibachi Alpine
June 09          Potluck and Annual Meeting following morning worship service
June 23          Reverend Chris Christopher visits
July 4-6          Family Festival at Indian Lake Nazarene Camp
July 7-14       Family Camp/District Assembly at Indian Lake Nazarene Camp

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