
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

NE NEWS - August 20, 2013

Northeast Community News – August 20, 2013
Dear Friends and Family,
What a wonderful day we had in the Lord, Sunday! From music practice, to our time of discipleship, to our singing, praying, and study in the Word, to our Missionary Moments led by Janie it was a wonderful day to discover and affirm that “God is up to something” good here at Northeast Community Church of the Nazarene!
God’s message to us this week came from Colossians 3:1, 5-17 and was titled, “The Christian Life.” Are you living the Christian life? Some of us who have received God’s warm loving invitation into relationship through Christ seem to wonder how to live a Christian life. Is it about the managing the external do’s and don’ts or something else? It is surely something else! Previously we have learned of our need to be in Christ, have our lives rooted and built upon Christ, and have our hearts and minds focused on things above by dying to self and letting the Holy Spirit fill us, teach us, and guide us!
With this established, Paul now turns to the practical applications in chapter 3. If Jesus is indeed supreme over all creation and this Jesus lives in us; if Jesus is God and God is holy and we have sunk our roots deep into Him and are in the process of building our lives upon Him, then there are some things we will stop doing, some things we will start doing, and our entire personality will begin looking and smelling more like Jesus!
As the Spirit of Christ cleanses and fills us with God’s pure love we will no longer desire to be sexually immoral, angry, use filthy language and worship idols (vv. 5-9). Paul says we must rid ourselves of these things (v. 8)! As Jesus moves and guides us we will find ourselves responding to Him by desiring to stop some of these former practices!
But, we will also have new desires! As we die to self, yield our hearts and minds to the Savior, and as the Father recreates us in His image (v. 10) we will long to become more compassionate, kind, humble, gentle, loving, forgiving, and thankful, too! (vv. 12-15)
Finally, we will also relate to others differently! As the peace of Christ rules our hearts (v. 15) and His word dwells in us richly (v. 16), we will find ourselves relating to others differently! No longer as superior, prideful, arrogant people, but as those whose lives are filled with God’s grace and are eager to share it with others in Jesus name! (v. 17). Put off the old – put on the new – and nurture a spirit of grace! Amen!

This week our lesson will be on “true confessions” based on Nehemiah 9:1-5 and James 5:13-20. What does confession have to do with Christian Community? Join us Wed. at 6:30pm to learn about confession in Christian Community!

Healthy Living! It is a way of life as Holiness People!
In his book Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives, Richard A. Swenson, M.D., a Christian doctor, sees a steady stream of exhausted, hurting people suffering from what he calls living without margin. 
While we have examined areas lacking margin, Swenson suggests there are 4 areas that significantly contribute to margin. This week we examine “health through rest.”
Swenson writes, “Often-used descriptors of our society include active, busy, driven, fatigued, tired, exhausted, weary, burned out, anxious, overloaded, or stressed. But seldom do you hear our society described as ‘well rested” (p. 212). Sadly, we are a tired generation that seems to think rest is counter-productive, lazy, and even sinful today!
Swenson wrote, “God has instructed us that life is more than work. It includes worship, relationships, and yes, even rest. A ‘rest less’ life style produces a ‘restless person’” (p. 229). This is not as God intended! Our bodies were created for and require regular times of rest and renewal. The argument that technology will somehow allow us more time to rest hasn’t happened! Sadly, the time saved only changes our expectations for increased demand and productivity! Time savers simply raise expectation! You can now do more!!
Swenson wrote, “God, however has commanded us to rest. The biblically authentic and balanced life will include time to be still, to remember, to meditate, to delight on who He is and what He has made. But a large obstacle stands in our way: There is no glory in rest; no social acclaim; we are never a hero when we rest. We can only be still and wait upon the Lord. We can only meditate upon the Word more. We can only have more margin to serve our neighbor. These things, however, are not socially reimbursable” (p. 227).
The doctor offers two types of rest we should be seeking: Sabbath rest and surrendered rest. In Sabbath rest we set aside working for ourselves to bring an offering to Him. “We rest not because we are tired. We don’t cease our labor because it is finished….We rest and worship one day in seven simply because He is the Lord” (p. 233). It is in our Sabbath rest that we remember through contemplation, worship, and setting aside our daily work.
Swenson suggests we should also be seeking “surrendered rest.” He writes, “‘Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling’ – but the world is shouting and waving its hands” (p. 233).
In the midst of all of the demands on the Jews shackled and burdened with the Jewish Law Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matt. 11:28-30). Let us remember Jesus continues to call softly and tenderly! But this, of course, requires us to confess we are not super human and need rest; need to focus on and worship God; and need to confess our need for a Savior, right?
Swenson concluded by quoted Tozer and our need to be meek. “The rest [Christ] offers is the rest of meekness, the blessed relief which comes when we accept ourselves for what we are and cease to pretend” (p. 234). Maybe it is time to lay your ‘cape’ down and simply acknowledge your limitations, let God be God, and get some needed rest. Amen!
Blessings, Pastor Dan

Hello from Pastor Amy, your Associate Pastor/Administrative Secretary

My office hours will vary every Tuesday, and if you need to see me, just call! My responsibilities also include preparing our weekly program, so if you have an event that you would like to put in the program or newsletter, please feel free to contact me!
On Prayer Requests: If you have a specific praise or prayer request which you would like to appear in the program and/or newsletter, please make sure to fill out the tear-off sheet in the weekly program, or contact me at any time.
Please Update Me! We have a long, ongoing list of prayer requests. Please keep me
updated. Requests will be pulled from the newsletter & program after three weeks.
Church Office616-459-2773 My Contact Info: 616-514-9521 or


Dick and Emily Morse have both celebrated their 90th birthdays this summer! Everyone is invited to join their family in celebration on Sunday, August 25 at 2:00pm. The party will be held at Dr. Beverly Shepherd’s house at 7258 Russet Dr. NE, Rockford, MI. Please RSVP at 616.863.6808. Also, Emily wants to make sure that everyone knows NO GIFTS ARE NECESSARY, just bring yourself!

Wednesday Night Potluck Dinners Return in September!

We went on break for summer, but we will be continuing our Wednesday night dinners which will take place on the LAST Wednesday of every month beginning in September. Bring a dish to pass and join us for good food and fellowship! Regular Bible study follows at 6:30pm. Talk to Julie Orban to help setup or cleanup. 
Next Dinner: Wednesday September @ 5:30pm

Fall Events at Indian Lake

Here are Fall Events coming soon at Indian Lake:
Evangelist Homecoming Meeting: The third annual evangelist homecoming meeting will take place over the weekend of August 31- September 2. Everyone is invited to this weekend of enrichment and fellowship, including preaching, teaching, equipping, and a song evangelist’s concert. More details can be found at
Craft and Scrapbooking Weekend: This weekend is just for ladies and takes place from November 1-3. The cost is $25 per day which includes a table, meals, games, prizes, snacks, and devotion time. Lodging costs vary. More details at


If you know our church, then you know that we love God and love others. You also know that we share testimony after testimony about Jesus’ transforming work in our lives, and the power He has had to reach our hearts and change us, no matter how far we have been from Him, no matter what kind of bondage we have been in (and some of us have been in all kinds of bondage).  We are a people redeemed by the grace of Jesus Christ and transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. In my heart (and the hearts of so many others) is a desire to share the salvation of Jesus with others, and to see other broken, sin-sick people like us come to believe in Christ, and to know the sweetness of His name.
Who do you know that is not walking with Christ? Who do you know who has rejected Christ? No one is too far gone to come home to God, and every person is part of the world that God so loved and Jesus died for (John 3:16). On Tuesday mornings throughout August, the church will be open from 9am-10am for one hour of prayer dedicated specifically to praying for loved ones, family, friends, and strangers who are not walking with Jesus. Everyone is invited to join us to pray silently, read scripture, pray out loud, kneel at an altar, sit in a pew, or walk the sanctuary. Stay for the hour, or just stop in for a moment to pray for someone who is on your heart. See you there! With love, Pastor Amy

Nelson Vanderlugt from the Gideons is Coming to Visit! Sunday September 08
On September 08th during our morning worship service, we will once again be welcoming Nelson Vanderlugt from the Gideons. If you don’t know, the Gideons work to provide the Bibles which can be found in places like hotel rooms and prisons. Often, this provides a way for God’s Word to be available for people in desperate need. Nelson will give us a report from the work of the Gideons, and we will also be taking a love offering for the Gideons, so be prepared to give to this excellent cause!

Alabaster Offering – Sunday September 15th
Our Fall Alabaster Offering will be held during service on Sunday September 15th. If you don’t know, our Alabaster Offering comes from our Nazarene Missions International department, and is taken twice per year. Every penny we receive from this offering goes directly to the global mission field, to be used for the purchase of land and buildings. You can get your own Alabaster box off of the soundboard in the sanctuary. Fill it with loose change, and bring it on the 15th! Children can participate too! 

Mission Mania & Missionary Visit – September 21-22

Everyone is invited to Mission Mania which is taking place in Grand Haven on Saturday September 21 from 5:30pm-8pm. Mission Mania is full of activities, as well as missionary speakers. But there’s more! These same missionaries, (Charlie, Carney, and daughter Alyssa) from Paraguay will be coming to our church the very next day on Sunday, September 22nd! Why not make it a Missions weekend, and attend Mission Mania and Sunday service with our missionaries? See details for Mission Mania on the bulletin boards or talk to Janie Hathaway. Please note we will also be taking a love offering for the missionaries when they visit us on Sunday the 22nd.

Tri-District Men’s Retreat – Friday September 20 thru Saturday September 21

Attention all men, you are invited to attend a tri-district men’s retreat being held at Lost Valley Bible Farm in Gaylord, MI. Activities will include teaching, small groups, golf, trap shooting, rifle range, basketball, fishing, horseshoes, deer rifle sight-in and table tennis. The cost is only $55 per person, meals included. We would love to send a group of men from our church! The registration deadline is September 08thand if you are interested, please stay for a brief meeting after service on August 25th 

Come to the Fire Women’s Conference – October 17-19

Attention all women, you are invited to the Come to the Fire annual women’s conference in October. The conference will be held Holland, MI. Last year, a group of us traveled to the conference, stayed in a hotel, and were blessed by it! It is a great weekend of worship, teaching, fellowship and renewal. There is no cost for registration, but we will be discussing how to pay for meals and lodging. If you are interested in attending this conference, please talk to Pastor Amy or Janie soon! For more information, you can also grab a pamphlet from the table outside of the sanctuary, or go to

August School Pal Packs!

It is time once again to collect items for School Pal-Paks as part of our Nazarene Missions International efforts. If you don’t know, the Church of the Nazarene operates numerous primary schools around the world, providing quality education for children. Unfortunately, children around the world often do not have the supplies needed for school. In countries with economic challenges, families cannot afford to purchase supplies, or siblings are often required to share the supplies. In response to the need, Nazarene Missions International partnered with Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc. (NCM, Inc.) to provide School Pal-Paks. You can put purchased items under the sign on the Mission bulletin board in the annex. See Gerry Dawson with any questions. Make sure to get a shopping list before you shop, because the paks require very specific items! Here is the information:

Shopping List:
• 2 composition notebooks (such as Mead brand), no larger than 93⁄4x71⁄2 inches
• 1 package of 10-12 #2 pencils
• 1 package of 10-12 black pens
• 2 pink erasers, 2-3 inches long
• 2 6-inch or 12-inch rulers (with metric measurements)
• 1 package of 12-15 colored pencils
• 1 pair blunt-nosed scissors
• 1 hand-held pencil sharpener (NOT electric or battery-powered)


Do you play an instrument or used to play an instrument and want to use your gift to bless others and glorify the Lord? Recently, the church purchased sheet music to the hymnal we use for flute/oboe and clarinet. Trombone is also available. We would love to have a few people play their instruments occasionally during the offering time! If you are interested or even think you might be interested see Pastor Dan.

Postcard Greetings Now Available

Don’t forget, we have NE Community postcards and they are available to anyone who would like to send them to invite, encourage, miss, or welcome someone to the church! Interested? See a Sundayschool teacher or Pastor Amy or Dan.

Upcoming Events

August 25                  Brief meeting for any men attending Tri-District Retreat
August 25                  Morse Birthday Party 2pm (see details above or in program)
September 1              Family Church/Communion Sunday – NO Children’s Church
September 06                        First Friday Chinese Lunch, 11:30am Hibachi Alpine
September 08                        Gideon Visit during morning worship service
September 08                        Registration for Tri-District Men’s Retreat due
September 15                        Alabaster Offering
September 21                        Mission Mania 5:30pm – 8pm Grand Haven, MI
September 22                        Missionary visit!
September 25                        Weds Night Dinner @ 5:30pm
October 17-19          Come to the Fire Women’s Conference in Holland

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