
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

NE NEWS - October 15, 2013

Northeast Community News – October 15, 2013
Dear friends and family,
God is on the move again (or should I say ‘still’ and I just noticed?)! While we did have another wonderful day in the Lord, Sunday, God demonstrated He plans to expand our church and bring us new people by continuing to send us lots of visitors! With this gift, God gives us the sacred responsibility of welcoming and loving them! So, are you?
God challenges each of us to join His mission by inviting, welcoming, and loving people in Jesus’ Name! One way God is accomplishing His mission is through our Fall Festival THIS SUNDAY. Are you involved? Who have you invited? How will you serve? We need everyone involved by inviting people, setting up, bringing a dish or two, running a children’s game, and/or helping clean up! It is going to take all of us working together to make this a successful COMMUNITY EVENT! Can God count on you? Amen!
God’s message to us this week came from Luke 24:13-53 and was titled, “The Fruit of the Spirit: Joy.” This is the second message in a series examining spiritual fruit Christians manifest when they are filled with the Holy Spirit. Paul wrote, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23).
As Christians serving a Risen Savior we ought to be filled with joy and our worship should resemble a celebration! Unfortunately, many services seem more like a funeral and some people seem more dead than alive! What are the attributes of the spiritually dead and what can bring them back to life?  In Luke 24:13-53 we find leading causes of spiritual death, characteristics of spiritual health, and the keys to resurrecting our faith!
Among the leading causes of spiritual death are wrong expectations, ignorance of the Scriptures, and a lack of faith! The disciples were downcast and discouraged (v. 17). They had expected Jesus to lead the Jews back into power (v. 21). Instead he had been handed over to the Romans, crucified, and was now missing (v. 24)! They’d forgotten what the Scriptures foretold and this led to a faith that questioned Jesus. Are you dead?
The characteristics of spiritual health go beyond expectations to include knowledge of the Scriptures, and faith in Christ! In vv. 45-49 Jesus declares His disciples must also share the good news, be witnesses, and receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit! The result is pure, undeniable, unmistakable joy in the soul (v. 52)! Are you vibrant and alive?
We concluded by asking Jesus to help us know if we were vibrantly alive, dying or dead in our faith. When Jesus examines you what does He see? Does he see someone vibrant and alive, drifting or spiritually dead? Does He see someone willing to share their faith or someone needing faith? Does He find someone completely yielded to the Holy Spirit or still wrestling with God for control? The key to a joyful vibrant church and people are right expectations, knowledge of the Scriptures, faith in Christ, a willingness to share the good news, be witnesses, and receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit! Amen!
We have changed the format in the adult Bible study! While we still examine God’s Word, we are now singing and praying first to give us enough time to pray! Sometimes this means we need two weeks to finish a lesson and that is ok! This week we will continue our study on the fruit of the Spirit by examining Isaiah 43:1-7 and peace!
Blessings! Pastor Dan
Hello from Pastor Amy, your Associate Pastor/Administrative Secretary
My office hours vary on Tuesdays, so if you need to see me, just call! My responsibilities also include preparing our weekly program, so if you have an event that you would like to put in the program or newsletter, or a prayer request to publish, please contact me!
Also, we have a long, ongoing list of prayer requests. Please keep me updated. Requests will be pulled from the newsletter& program after three weeks.
My Contact Info: 616-514-9521 or
Come to the Fire Reminder
Attention ALL women – the annual Come to the Fire Women’s Conference begins this Thursday in Holland, Michigan. This is a powerful time of worship and fellowship. We will be carpooling back and forth on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It is not too late to join in, so please talk to Pastor Amy, Janie, or Irene if you are interested and we can give you the schedule of the weekend!

Fall Festival Outreach Event –  THIS Sunday October 20th
It is not too late to volunteer your help at our Fall Festival coming up this Sunday right after morning worship. This festival takes the place of our potluck, so the church is providing meat, but please bring a side dish or dessert to pass. Also, we have invited the ENTIRE community - so –lease invite friends, family, co-workers, and strangers to join us for lunch and festivities! Talk to Irene with questions.
Alabaster Thank You and Final Total
The counting is done, the numbers are in, and our Alabaster total to date is $602! Don’t forget that ALL of this money goes directly to the global mission field for the purchase of land and buildings. Thank you for being so generous and giving to support the work of our church all over the world!
Potlucks on Last Wednesday Night of the Month!
On the last Wednesday night of every month, we gather for dinner and fellowship at 5:30pm. Bring a dish to pass and invite friends or family to join us for good food and conversation. Regular Bible study follows at it’s regular time of 6:30pm. Please note we do have Youth Group and Nursery Coverage on Wednesday nights. Talk to Julie Orban to help setup or cleanup the potluck. Next dinner: Weds Oct 30th @ 5:30pm
First Friday Chinese Lunch November 01st
On the first Friday of every month, everyone is invited to the Alpine Hibachi located behind the Target for lunch. The group meets at 11:30am and everyone is welcome to bring friends or family. The food is cheap and delicious, and the conversation is even better. Talk to Tracy Tamm with questions, see you there!
Family Church/Communion Sunday November 3rd
Each first Sunday of the month, we celebrate the sacrament of Communion during our worship service. On this special day, we keep our children in service, and there is no children’s church. This gives our children and our workers the opportunity to participate in the Lord’s Supper. Have a child who wants to help hand out programs, usher, or be involved in our service in some other way? Talk to Pastor Amy!

Come pray with us on Tuesday mornings! Everyone is invited to join us for an hour of prayer. We all know many who need Jesus, and many who have other needs. We believe that prayer really does change things, and God really does love the world – especially those who don’t know Jesus yet! Who could you be praying for? It is a midweek blessing and encouragement to join with other believers in prayer! See you Tuesday!
Fall Events at Indian Lake
Craft and Scrapbooking Weekend at Indian Lake! This weekend is just for ladies and takes place from November 1-3. The cost is $25 per day which includes a table, meals, games, prizes, snacks, and devotion time. Lodging costs vary. More details at
Upcoming Events
October 17-19         Come to the Fire Women’s Conference in Holland
October 20              NE Community Fall Outreach Festival
October 30              Wednesday Night Potluck Dinner @ 5:30pm, Bible study follows
November 1            First Friday Chinese Lunch 11:30am Hibachi Alpine
November 3            Communion Sunday/Family Church – NO Children’s Church

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