
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

NE NEWS - January 20, 2014

Northeast Community News – January 20, 2014

What a wonderful day we had in the Lord, Sunday! This week we celebrated our monthly Missionary Moments and Janie came and challenged us to get involved in missions. Mission isn't just a department in the church; it is at the root of who we are as Christians! God is on a mission and He calls us to join Him! What a joy to see our church embrace Jesus’ command in Acts 1:8! Bless you for having missionary hearts!
God’s message this week came from Genesis 12:1-3 and was titled, “The Man Who Said Yes to God.” Abram heard God’s call and said yes! Today, we face an onslaught of unwanted and unsolicited messages in our mailboxes, voice mails, and email boxes, but we must be careful we do not grow callus to these constant attempts by marketers to get us to do and buy things we overlook the truly important messages from God!
In Genesis chapter 12 we find Abram not only heard God’s voice; he responded in complete obedience. From his initial call in chapter 12 until his death in chapter 25, Abram (later Abraham) offers us an example of a man living out “Jesus is Lord.”
From his initial call in c. 12 we learn three important principles about living “Jesus is Lord.” First, we discover ‘God makes the first move.’ In v. 12:1 we read, “The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you” (Genesis 12:1)God had a plan for Abraham but God made the first move! If we want to live ‘Jesus Is Lord’ we need to realize God has a plan for us, too, and will make the first move in our lives, too!
Second, we discover Abraham’s call was personal. Unlike mass-produced, unsolicited junk mail, God’s call is individual and personal. God could have spoken to any or all Jews about the Promised Land, but He spoke to Abraham! The same is true for us! While we might be tempted to think we’re just a number among the countless billions, God knows you individually – He knows you personally and calls you specifically!
Finally, God calls us to respond with a step of faith. When Abraham was told ‘leave your country, your people, and your father’s household and to the land I will show you’(Gen. 12:1) he did it – not because it was comfortable, but because he had faith.
In our day we might say, “Abraham got religion and he’s acting crazy” and in truth it was ‘crazy’ by the ‘world’s standard’ where comfort, friends, family and security is highly valued. But in a step of faith Abraham left his old comfortable life behind and entered into a partnership with God that defined the rest of his life. Abraham willingly separated himself from ‘the world’ and clung to God and His promises instead.
Are you ready to take a step of faith? Like Abraham we need to realize God initiates and calls personally, and while what we are called to do may not make sense to others, even in the church, we need to separate ourselves from old sinful ways of doing things and in faith say a big yes to God! I pray each of us says ‘yes’ to God! Amen! Love and blessings, Pastor Dan
With the recent flu outbreak, we are going to ask our friends and family to refrain from shaking hands and hugging during the 'time of greeting' during our SundayWorship Services - While we certainly do not want to appear unfriendly, we do have many who are very susceptible to the flu and want to respond in a responsible way! So, please consider turning to your neighbor and patting them on the back, instead! In addition, we have purchased hand sanitizer and have placed a small bottle or two in each pew.
Note: I will still greet you at the end of the service, but will not shake your hand or hug you unless you take the initiative! I love hugging and shaking hands, but we sure don’t need anyone to get sick! Thanks you for your understanding!
Last week we started a 7-week study on what it means to say, “JESUS IS LORD” based on the Bible of course! But we will also use a book written by Dr. Frank Moore titled ‘Jesus Is Lord’ during our adult and youth Bible studies on Wed. night. Until they are gone, books will be available on a table at the back of the sanctuary. This is a great way to dig deeper into your personal discipleship, and we encourage EVERYONE to get a book. Scholarships are available if $$ is an issue. See Pastor Dan if you have questions!
This week we will examine Jesus is Lord: Can I Get a Witness! Please read chapters 1-2 of the book, “Jesus is Lord.” I strongly urge you to get a book if you are part of the Bible study and see no reason why one couldn’t be shared. Our youth and children will also be taking part in this study! Hope to see you there!
While it has only been a week, it seems like a long time since Pastor Amy, Theo, and the boys left us doesn’t it? While we continue to pray for them, we surely miss their voices, the pitter-patter of little feet, laughter, and their smiles. It is ok to grieve dear ones… we will all miss them for a long time! Below, you will find Pastor Amy’s expression of thanks on behalf of the family!
Dear ones,
Theo and I want to thank you for all of the hugs, tears, cards, and words of encouragement on Sunday. I know there are some we did not get to hug, but we will see you again! We also want to say thank-you to the church for the generous financial gift for our family. This will help us as we start our new assignment at Muskegon Breakwater Church of the Nazarene under the leadership of Revs. Aimee and Devin Mulder.

As much as I love to write and delight and in descriptive words, I will tell you that words cannot express our gratitude to Northeast Community church. It is here that we met Jesus, began to be fed by the Word, experienced the transforming power of the Holy Spirit over and over again, lived in the fellowship of the church, and came to know Jesus as Lord of our lives.

 It is where we first learned discipleship and hospitality from Pastor Dan and Janie. It is also where we were married, had our entire family baptized, celebrated year after year of sobriety, and where I began my journey toward ordination. This does not even begin to scrape the surface of the friends we have made and the many ways you have all upheld us in prayer and love over these years. We will never be the same, thank God.

There is no easy way to leave, no way to go without tears and pain. Yet, we know with certainty that God is leading. And our God will be faithful to all of us, no matter where we are, apart or together. I hope you will continue to pray for us while we start this new part of our adventure, as we continue to pray for you.

 These words are not enough, nothing is enough to express our THANK YOU to you all! I pray that the Lord would bless you, and keep you, that He would make His face to shine upon you and give you peace in Jesus’ name. And I pray that you too, would GO where He leads you!
With love, Pastor Amy and Theo, Theo II and Remington

Christian disciples cheerfully give God their time, talent, and treasure! If you would like to have your own box of tithe envelopes, see Shannen or Pastor Dan.
Crisis Care Kits are a cooperative effort between Nazarene Compassionate Ministries and Nazarene Missions International. The kits are sent all over the world to places like Belize, California, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Jordan, Louisiana, Philippines, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, and Zambia. Every year in February, our local Nazarene Missions International Council asks us to join the effort by collecting specific items. The ‘overflow’ will be donated to North End Community Ministry. Bless you for helping!
All three Michigan Districts are joining together again for one big day of inspiration, information and training at Perry High and Middle Schools between 8:00 am–3:50 pm. There will be workshops on General Leadership, Worship and Technology, Missions, Discipleship, and Children’s and Youth Ministries. The cost is $25 if you give your registration to Shannen before Feb. 02nd and $35 before Feb. 23rd (no late reg. is accepted). Need more info? See Pastor Dan, grab a brochure, or check out this link!
Note: Because the Team Day organizers have requested one registration per church, please coordinate your registration through Pastor Dan and Shannen Parsaca!
Do you like missions? Do you want to know more about what Missionaries are doing around the world? Do you like cookies? If you answered YES to any of these, then you will want to come to our great experiment: an evening Missionary Service at 4pm on Sunday, Feb. 16th! Bring a friend and plan to learn and laugh! If you have any questions, see Janie or email her at:
Our next Alabaster Offering will take place on Sun., Feb. 16th. This is a “loose change” offering taken up twice a year and every penny of the proceeds goes directly to the mission field to purchase land and buildings. If you would like an Alabaster box to start filling, just ask Janie in the sound booth on Sunday morning. Thank you!
Everyone is invited to Hibachi Grill on Alpine (behind Target) at 11:30 am on the first Friday of every month! The food is cheap, delicious, and the fellowship is even better. Talk to Tracy Tamm if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!
We have had two indicate an interest in membership and are considering forming a series of 4 classes beginning in February. If you are interested in learning more about the Church of the Nazarene or becoming a member of our church, please let Pastor Dan know by calling (616-204-1153) or emailing ( him!
On Christmas Eve we examined our faith through the eyes of Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Hermie the Dentist, Yukon Cornelius the failed Peppermint Mine Prospector, and through the eyes of an island of rejected and unloved misfit toys they discovered. Like these misfits, Romans 3:23 reminds us we are all misfits, too! But through Jesus’ birth, death of the cross, and resurrection, we have ALL been sought out, offered grace, and received a welcome place in the Kingdom just the way we are through Jesus!
The cross reminds us we ALL have a place in the Kingdom! If you need a reminder, take a cross home! But, others need to know this, too! Do you know someone who needs to know God loves them, regardless of their flaws? Take them a cross in Jesus’ Name! You will find a small wooden cross on the table outside the sanctuary! Take one! Share one!
Jonathan Gingrich is one of our college students attending Calvin College and left for Africa on Jan. 6th on a mission trip. He will be returning to Grand Rapids on Jan. 27th and will be visiting Mt. Kenya, Nairobi, Sedai, and other places! According to his schedule he is in the village of Sedai this week meeting with village elders, building housing, doing cultural interviews, and surveying their current water supplies. (FYI: Jonathan feels called to create new water purification methods in the mission field and this is why he is attending Calvin College! How God like that he will get to see their needs first hand!). Pray for safety in Jonathan’s travels, and that God would use this time for His glory!
This just in! Our 3rd annual ‘Keep ‘Em Covered’ diaper drive will take place between Mar. 16-Apr. 13. Get ready to love the little ones from the bottom up!
Me neither! But it has to be done and Pastor Dan does the majority of it! If you would like to help we try to clear the walks every day, but especially for our treasurer on Mon. AM, Emotions Anonymous Tue. PM, and for Wed. night and Sun. morning activities. See Pastor Dan if you would like to help!  
Feb. 07     First Friday Chinese Lunch at Hibachi
Feb. 16     Missionary Service at 4PM, Alabaster Offering
Mar. 05     Ash Wednesday
Mar. 08     TEAM DAY – Early Reg. Due by Feb. 02
Apr. 04-05        Mission Mania – details to come!
Apr. 20     Easter – He has Risen Indeed!
Apr. 26     Ladies Day at Olivet Nazarene University – details to come!

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