
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Northeast Community News – June 22, 2015

Northeast Community News – June 22, 2015
Hello Friends and Family!
We had another wonderful day in the Lord, Sunday! Beginning with music practice at 9am, Sunday school, and then worship I knew it would be a special day as I watched and greeted those who came to church. As your Pastor, I’m often aware of the individual hurts you carry and feel blessed you come to worship anyway! It was no different this week. From the ones who struggle to walk, to those recovering from surgery, to those in pain, those in emotional anguish, I watch with a joyful heart as you arrive with smiles eager to worship! God is good!
God’s message this week came from Psalm 92 and was titled, “Planted in the House of the Lord.” In Ps. 92 we discover a person who had put Psalm 91 into practice. He was indeed dwelling in the shelter of the Most High and taking refuge in God in whom he trusts. As a result the Psalmist is praising God in music (v.1), proclaiming His love in the morning and His faithfulness at night (v. 2) and giving thanks for the works of His hands (v. 4). 
Before we move into the heart of the message let me ask you… are you living close to God; proclaiming His love and faithfulness, and giving thanks for the works of His hands? 
In vv. 5-13, the Psalmist compares and contrasts two lifestyles/results using grass and trees. In vv. 6-7 we discover senseless evildoers are compared to quack grass, that shallow rooted weed that invades healthy crops and spreads like crazy and must be destroyed. 
Unlike the senseless evil doers in vv. 6-7, in vv. 12-13 the Psalmist declares “The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God” (vv. 12-13). Palm trees thrive in a variety of conditions, can withstand hurricane force winds, and bounce back stronger than before. They are flexible and resilent. Likewise, some of the cedars in Lebanon and not only strong, but can grow to 130 feet over 100 years and some remain productive for over 2,000 years. 
When you’re planted in the house of the Lord, when you’re deeply rooted and growing in grace by reading the Word, praying, and involving yourself in discipleship and worship, you can withstand the storms of life and bounce back stronger than before, too! 
Why can I say this? Over the last two years I’ve witnessed many of our families face storms. They’ve suffered losses, unexpected trials, and difficulties. But those ‘planted in the house of the Lord’ remained serving, flourishing, and are stronger than ever, however, those who weren’t….well, my prayer is that everyone’s faith takes root! Blessings, Pastor Dan
Twas the week before the Summer Celebration and all through God’s House, every creature was stirring including the mouse! Seriously, the Stewards have planned a Summer Celebration to be a blessing to our community and they need your help to make it happen! It’s too late to sign up! If you can help, call Cherry (616) 916-7595 email: or Steve (616) 929-2195
Let’s all do our part to help host a great event! It will be fun for everyone involved! 
Bless you Cindy C. for letting me know I was confused and had the wrong information in the Newsletter last week! The next Ladies Rendezvous is this Saturday at 10:30am. All ladies are invited and welcome! Please see Gerry D. or Cherry P. for details! 
Yes, we love your children and agree kids can worship and learn about Jesus better when they can create something with their hands, receive a snack to eat, and move around, but our children's workers are taking vacation, so for the next 2 months the kids are staying in the worship service with us! Bless you for understanding! 
I wanted to give you an update on the NMI District Project to raise $20,000. You will recall of the 75 churches on our District, our church raised $743. The following is an email I received from the person in charge of promoting this project on the District. Remember, this note’s for you, the faithful folks who made it possible! God is good!
Michigan District,  
We have crossed the Finish Line decisively!!!  As of this morning, the $20,000.00 goal for our Nazarene Evangelical Schools in the Middle East has been met and exceeded. The total I have at this moment is $20,764.79 and we are told that more is coming in. It has been some time since we have met our District Project Goal, so this is an exciting occurrence!
To all of the churches, "Thank you!"   Let us all lift our voices in praise to our Mighty God who has challenged and equipped His people to meet this ministry need!! What a blessing to be privileged to share this exciting news!!!
Pastor Bob Anderson (Received June 09, 2015)
With ONE WEEK TO GO the non-perishable food is still growing on the table in the back of the sanctuary. Can you help with the food drive? Please bring cans or boxes of non-perishable food and place them on the table in the back of the sanctuary! Bless you for helping the hungry! Just bring what you can! Questions? See Pastor Dan.
Join us at 6:30pm for a time of singing, prayer, and study for the whole family. Are you willing to help? We need help with children. Jeffrey R., and Danasia O. are coming and if Carrie brings her 3 children we would have 5 kids! We always end our night with ice cream! PS. It is cool in the air conditioned Sanctuary! Come! You’ll be glad you did!
As the church year closed last May 31st and new year started on June 01st, one thing became clear: we are a church that supports missions! Praise God that it has been an incredible year. Certainly, God is on a mission and we are blessed to join Him. Thank you for responding obediently in your giving, your time, and your resources!
Next Missionary Gathering is Sun., Jul. 26th at 4pm
Our next missionary gathering is Sun., Jul. 28th at 4pm at the church. Come enjoy a brief study, learn what our missionaries are doing, how to pray for them, and learn how to be missionary in your own neighborhood! We also enjoy snacks and laughter together! So bring a snack, a friend, (even an enemy!) and join us! Youll be glad you did! 
Remember to pray for our Yabeez Naseem (our sponsored child)!
Our church sponsors an 11 year old child from Lahore, Pakistan! While the world seems full of poverty, war and struggle, it’s great to know there is at least one boy receiving emotional, spiritual, and physical support each month BECAUSE OF YOU! Check out his picture, drawings, and report cards on the missionary bulletin board! 
Missionary Books!
NEW Missionary Books are available! There are books designed for children, youth, and adults (adults have the option of listening to the books on CD) to learn about missions. Our goal is to have 100 books read and there will be prizes for the first adults, teens, and children who read them! See Sherry our new NMI President!
Help Feed the Hungry at Supper House – Thu., Aug. 06th at 5:00PM
Do you realize there are people in Grand Rapids who are hungry? There is more need than you ever and Jesus told us we love and serve Him by caring for those who hunger, are in prison, are thirsty, and those who are sick (see Matt. 25:35-36). Your NMI council is committed to loving God and others in other countries and at home! One way to do this is to partner with North End Community Ministry (NECM), pay for a dinner to feed 150 people, and serve at the ‘Supper House’ located at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church. Are you willing to help? (we need 10 servers). See Gerry Dawson if you are interested! 
“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! Feel free to take one! You’ll find them located on the table outside of the sanctuary!
Can you help in the nursery? Help teach a Sunday school class? Sing on the Praise Team, help run the sound booth, call on shut-ins, move the palms, or help mow the grass? It is a lot of work to keep up a church and we need everyone to help! Let Gerry D. or Pastor know if you can help! Remember: many hands make light work! 
Did you know Campbell Soup labels and General Mills box tops are worth cash? While it seems small, when we work together, it really adds up! This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for Nazarene Sun Valley Indian School in AZ. Start collecting them and give them to Fran S. and Sherry J. Questions? See Fran or Sherry or go to this link:
The Church of the Nazarene is just over 100 years old and one of her oldest traditions is coming together each year for a time of spiritual renewal called ‘Camp Meeting.’ Camp Meeting was original held at Indian Lake Nazarene Camp in Vicksburg under a large tent for several weeks at a time. Then, our three Michigan districts were one and a large crowd gathered to hear evangelists preach 3 services a day plus a time of discipleship. 
While Camp Meeting is only a week now and there are just 2 services a day and a time of discipleship, it is still a time for spiritual renewal for 1,000+ people. Come for just one service or the whole week and you will be blessed! 
Camp Meeting begins with District Assembly Sun., Jul. 12thand ends Sun., July 19th. Pastor Dan spends the week at ‘camp’ in a small cabin and would love to have you stop by! Need more information? See Pastor Dan or Janie!  
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
June          Run Against Hunger Food Drive for N.E.C.M.
Jun.  27     Ladies Rendezvous 10:30am at the church
Jun.  28     Summer Celebration after Worship Service
Jul. 12-19 Camp Meeting / Dist. Assm. at I.L.N.C.
Jul.-Aug.   No Children’s Church in Jul. and Aug.
Jul.   11     Run Against Hunger 5k for N.E.C.M. at Cornerstone University
Jul.   16     Third Thursday Chinese Lunch at 11:30am
Jul.   26     Missionary Gathering at 4:00pm
Aug. 06     N.E.C.M. Supper House at 5:00pm

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