
Monday, July 27, 2015

Northeast Community News – July 27, 2015

Dear Friends and Family! 
What another wonderful day we had in the Lord, Sunday! It was another ‘twofer.’ Earlier, we gathered for our Sunday morning worship service and then later many came for the Missionary Gathering led by Sherry J. at 4pm followed by food and fellowship! Every once in awhile someone asks me, ‘Do you still enjoy going to church?’ I still respond “Oh Yeah!’ For me, the good news and mission of God is still fresh, uplifting, and powerful! God is still moving in my life and those around me! Growing tired with life? Try growing with Jesus! 
God’s message this week came from Psalms 145:8-21 and was titled, “God’s Outrageous Love.” Out culture is increasingly outraged by the outrageous! From the killing of innocents, to the extremely high prices of gas and food, to the increasing use of vulgar language, to a few activist judges redefining marriage, we feel outraged and declare them outrageous! 
Outrageous comes from two Anglo-French words: ‘utrage’ meaning excess or insult and ‘outre’ meaning ‘from beyond.’ When we find a situation or happening that is excessive or ‘goes beyond the conventional’ we are outraged! While there’s plenty to be outraged about, have you ever realized by definition God’s love is outrageous, too? Think about it, “You see, just at the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly” (Rom. 5:8).
While the Psalms were written before Christ was incarnate, it is important to understand God’s character has never changed! What is God like? David reminds us of God’s response to Moses after the people of Israel had sinned (again). 
“The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made” (Psalm 145:8-9). So what is God like? God is filled with grace and compassion; slow to anger and at His core; love! He loves ALL He has made! 
You mean God loves serial killers, child molesters, terrorists, too? Uh-huh. You mean Jesus would forgive James Holmes, Dylan Roof, and that vile man and woman who lives next to me if they asked? Uh-huh! That’s outrageous! Your right! God’s love IS outrageous! 
Some respond to God’s outrageous love by receiving it and growing in grace! Have you? No matter what you’ve done, His grace is available to you! Others are disgusted at the thought God’s grace is available to everyone! Secretly they think some deserve hell! The Pharisees felt this way, too! (see Mk 2:1-17). Truth is we all deserve hell! But in Jesus, outrageous love reached and saved us! Now, let’s share the good news with others! Blessings, Pastor Dan
Just a reminder! Our next Northeast Community Potluck is Aug. 09th. So, bring a friend, an enemy, a perfect stranger, and a dish to pass and join us downstairs in the fellowship hall after worship for a time of food, fun, and fellowship! If you would be willing to help set up, serve, or clean up, please call Cherry Pakiela at (616) 916-7595
Our next Third Thursday Chinese Lunch is at the Hibachi Grill located on Alpine (behind Target). Remember! It’s more than food! It’s a time to share our joys, concerns and even laugh! So grab a friend and come to Hibachi at 11:30! Questions? See Tracy or Linda!
“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! 
Camp Meeting for 2015 has come to a close. 90% of those who spent the week at Indian Lake will go back home and the once noisy place filled with golf carts, bikes, children’s laughter, teen pranks, and long nights around the campfire reflecting on God will soon be replaced with the sound of relative silence as the camp returns to a population of about 175 people returning to ‘normal life’ at the campground. 
While in some ways, camp is over this year, in other ways it has only begun as what has been learned and revealed spreads across the state of Michigan in 75 churches. We are not exempt from this effect…. God continues to challenge us as we return home! Wish you could have gone to hear the messages? It’s not too late! The District has recorded the messages for anyone to see online (the link is below). Be blessed and be moved!
Help Feed the Hungry at Supper House – Thu., Aug. 06th at 5:00PM
Do you realize there are people in Grand Rapids who are hungry? There is more need than you ever and Jesus told us we love and serve Him by caring for those who hunger, are in prison, are thirsty, and those who are sick (see Matt. 25:35-36). Your NMI council is committed to loving God and others in other countries and at home! One way to do this is to partner with North End Community Ministry (NECM), pay for a dinner to feed 150 people, and serve at the ‘Supper House’ located at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church. Are you willing to help? (we need 10 servers). See Gerry Dawson if you are interested! 
Missionary Books!
NEW Missionary Books are available! There are books designed for children, youth, and adults to learn about missions. Our goal is to have 100 books read and there will be prizes for the first adults, teens, and children who read them! See Sherry our new NMI President! Speaking of books, keep reading about one of our children, Isis! 
Isis is a relatively new comer to our church. She was invited by her friend Savannah and is a voracious reader! In fact, she completed her last Missionary book this week! And so, even though it is summer break, I asked her if she would be willing to do a book report on one of the books she read… guess what? She cheerfully said, ‘Yes!’ This is her report:
By Isis
Book Report about
Tornado Alley
This book was dedicated to Moore, 
Oklahoma residents who battled a tornado
and to the compassionate people throughout 
the United States who decided to help.
First, it was a real tornado but nobody
didn’t know until the teacher told the
student that “this is not a drill it’s a real 
tornado.” Lauren was mad I could tell 
cause the way she said, “ew,”
as the tornado was approaching.
 Justin’s legs felt like rubber 
while Justin was on the floor 
he’s gonna pray. 
Justin said, “Please God, keep us safe
 and make the tornado leave us alone.”
Secondly and lastly two kids were 
lost but now they’re found.
Thank you Isis! What a beautiful reminder that no matter what age we are, we are never too old or too young to pray! And God was faithful! Amen! But your report also reminds us you’re never too old or too young to serve God, too! Bless you for using your God given gifts and passions for the Kingdom of God! May we all follow your example!
What about you, reader? Are you willing to use your gifts for God? The Kingdom of God here at Northeast Community needs song leaders, vocalists, musicians, teachers, and a myriad of other workers. I pray we all learn to say ‘Yes’ as Isis did! God bless you Isis! 
So, something seems to be happening on Wed. night. For several weeks two pre-teens have come and been a part of us. For whatever reason, I think this is just the beginning! Regardless of your age or whatever might be keeping you away, why don’t you come and join us this week at 6:30pm for a time of singing, prayer, and study. Remember, we always end our night with ice cream! Come and be blessed! You’ll be glad you did!
Yes, we love your children and agree kids can worship and learn about Jesus better when they can create something with their hands, receive a snack to eat, and move around, but our children's workers are taking vacation, so for the next 2 months the kids are staying in the worship service with us! Bless you for understanding! 
Remember! Campbell Soup labels and General Mills box tops are worth cash! While it seems small, it really adds up! This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for Nazarene Sun Valley Indian School. Give your labels and box tops to Fran S. and Sherry J. See Fran or Sherry if you have any questions. 
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
Jul.-Aug.          No Children’s Church in Jul. and Aug.
Aug. 06           N.E.C.M. Supper House at 5:00pm
Aug. 09           Northeast Community Potluck at 12:30pm
Aug. 20           Chinese Lunch at 11:30am

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Northeast Community News – July 20, 2015

Dear Friends and Family! 
What a wonderful week we had in the Lord! Not only did many of us have a wonderful time at District Assembly and Camp Meeting at Indian Lake, but our service with visiting Pastor Mandy Earley was wonderful too! While many were on vacation and travelling this week, we met many new friends including Pastor Mandy’s friend and 3 children and several old friends including Alannah, Allegra, Morgan, and Alannah’s friend, Grayson. God is good!
God’s message this week came from Ephesians 2:11-22 and titled, “All In.” Her message began by focusing us on our differences. We have different backgrounds and experiences, different addresses, and different personalities. Before Christ, Jews were very aware and proud that they were different (superior as God’s chosen people). Before Jesus, non-Jews were separated from God and were hopeless. Paul wrote, “…remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world” (Eph. 2:12).  
As the people of God today do we ever let our differences separate people from God? Do we ever feel superior and leave others feeling hopeless? God help us! You see in the very next verse Paul reminds the formerly excluded, “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ” (Eph. 2:13).  
When Jesus came, Pastor Mandy said, He changed the rules! In His death on the Cross, Jesus destroyed the barrier, removed the dividing wall of hostility, and reconciled us to God and to each other (Eph. 2:14-18). Citing the Message she declared:
This kingdom of faith is now your home country. You’re no longer strangers or outsidersYou belong here, with as much right to the name Christian as anyone. God is building a home. He’s using us all—irrespective of how we got here—in what he is building. He used the apostles and prophets for the foundation. Now he’s using you, fitting you in brick by brick, stone by stone, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone that holds all the parts together” (Eph. 2:19b-22).
Pastor Mandy concludes if we are equal and Christ is indeed dwelling in us, we ought to be different! What we do, say, think, and act ought to be different! Our Facebook posts ought to be different. Our service should be different. She said, “I want to be so full of Christ that when a mosquito bites me he flies away singing, ‘there is power in the blood.’” May our hands, feet, and lives reflect Christ’s Spirit that lives within us! Blessings, Pastor Dan
What could be better than a monthly ladies rendezvous? Two of them of course! Cherry heard from those who cannot come on Sat. and added a Tue. option! Praise the Lord! So, now ladies can get together on Tue., July 21 or Sat., July 25between 10:30am - noon! All ladies are invited and welcome! Need a ride? More info? Call Cherry at (616) 916-7595
Camp Meeting for 2015 has come to a close. 90% of those who spent the week at Indian Lake will go back home and the once noisy place filled with golf carts, bikes, children’s laughter, teen pranks, and long nights around the campfire reflecting on God will soon be replaced with the sound of relative silence as the camp returns to a population of about 175 people returning to ‘normal life’ at the campground. 
While in some ways, camp is over this year, in other ways it has only begun as what has been learned and revealed spreads across the state of Michigan in 75 churches. We are not exempt from this effect…. God continues to challenge us as we return home! Wish you could have gone to hear the messages? It’s not too late! The District has recorded the messages for anyone to see online (the link is below). Be blessed and be moved!
Next Missionary Gathering is Sun., Jul. 26th at 4pm
Our next missionary gathering is Sun., Jul. 26th at 4pm at the church. Come enjoy a brief study, learn what our missionaries are doing, how to pray for them, and learn how to be missionary in your own neighborhood! We also enjoy snacks and laughter together! So bring a snack, a friend, (even an enemy!) and join us! Youll be glad you did! 
Help Feed the Hungry at Supper House – Thu., Aug. 06th at 5:00PM
Do you realize there are people in Grand Rapids who are hungry? There is more need than you ever and Jesus told us we love and serve Him by caring for those who hunger, are in prison, are thirsty, and those who are sick (see Matt. 25:35-36). Your NMI council is committed to loving God and others in other countries and at home! One way to do this is to partner with North End Community Ministry (NECM), pay for a dinner to feed 150 people, and serve at the ‘Supper House’ located at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church. Are you willing to help? (we need 10 servers). See Gerry Dawson if you are interested! 
Missionary Books!
NEW Missionary Books are available! There are books designed for children, youth, and adults to learn about missions. Our goal is to have 100 books read and there will be prizes for the first adults, teens, and children who read them! See Sherry our new NMI President! Speaking of books, keep reading about one of our children, Isis! 
Isis is a relatively new comer to our church. She was invited by her friend Savannah and is a voracious reader! In fact, she completed her last Missionary book this week! And so, even though it is summer break, I asked her if she would be willing to do a book report on one of the books she read… guess what? She cheerfully said, ‘Yes!’ This is her report:
By Isis
Book Report about
Tornado Alley
This book was dedicated to Moore, 
Oklahoma residents who battled a tornado
and to the compassionate people throughout 
the United States who decided to help.
First, it was a real tornado but nobody
didn’t know until the teacher told the
student that “this is not a drill it’s a real 
tornado.” Lauren was mad I could tell 
cause the way she said, “ew,”
as the tornado was approaching.
 Justin’s legs felt like rubber 
while Justin was on the floor 
he’s gonna pray. 
Justin said, “Please God, keep us safe
 and make the tornado leave us alone.”
Secondly and lastly two kids were 
lost but now they’re found.
Thank you Isis! What a beautiful reminder that no matter what age we are, we are never too old or too young to pray! And God was faithful! Amen! But your report also reminds us you’re never too old or too young to serve God, too! Bless you for using your God given gifts and passions for the Kingdom of God! May we all follow your example!
What about you, reader? Are you willing to use your gifts for God? The Kingdom of God here at Northeast Community needs song leaders, vocalists, musicians, teachers, and a myriad of other workers. I pray we all learn to say ‘Yes’ as Isis did! God bless you Isis! 
So, something seems to be happening on Wed. night. For several weeks two pre-teens have come and been a part of us. For whatever reason, I think this is just the beginning! Regardless of your age or whatever might be keeping you away, why don’t you come and join us this week at 6:30pm for a time of singing, prayer, and study. Remember, we always end our night with ice cream! Come and be blessed! You’ll be glad you did!
Just a reminder! Our next Northeast Community Potluck is Aug. 09th. So, bring a friend, an enemy, a perfect stranger, and a dish to pass and join us downstairs in the fellowship hall after worship for a time of food, fun, and fellowship! If you would be willing to help set up, serve, or clean up, please call Cherry Pakiela at (616) 916-7595
Our next Third Thursday Chinese Lunch is at the Hibachi Grill located on Alpine (behind Target). Remember! It’s more than food! It’s a time to share our joys, concerns and even laugh! So grab a friend and come to Hibachi at 11:30! Questions? See Tracy or Linda!
“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! 
Yes, we love your children and agree kids can worship and learn about Jesus better when they can create something with their hands, receive a snack to eat, and move around, but our children's workers are taking vacation, so for the next 2 months the kids are staying in the worship service with us! Bless you for understanding! 
Remember! Campbell Soup labels and General Mills box tops are worth cash! While it seems small, it really adds up! This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for Nazarene Sun Valley Indian School. Give your labels and box tops to Fran S. and Sherry J. See Fran or Sherry if you have any questions. 
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
Jul.-Aug.   No Children’s Church in Jul. and Aug.
Jul.   26     Missionary Gathering at 4:00pm
Aug. 06     N.E.C.M. Supper House at 5:00pm
Aug. 09     Northeast Community Potluck at 12:30pm
Aug. 20     Chinese Lunch at 11:30am

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Northeast Community News – July 13, 2015

Dear Friends and Family! 
Greetings from Indian Lake Nazarene Camp! I do apologize for the lateness of this week’s newsletter, but I’ve been blessed with many activities on our District down here. After our own wonderful service Sunday morning service, about a 1,000 others, including Janie, Fran, Sherry, and I packed up and headed down to camp to prepare for the wonderful ordination service Sunday night (4 were ordained) and District Assembly. This year, we were greeted by visiting General Superintendent Emeritus (J.K. Warrick) because our presiding General Superintendent, Dr. Jerry Porter, was too weak to travel having recently been hospitalized for a-fib as a result of anemia from ulcers. Even with the changes, I am delighted to tell you God was present and glorified! Thank you for your prayers! 
God’s message this week came from Psalm 24 and was titled, “Love the Landlord; Pay the Rent.” According to the last census, 45.6% of the people living within 3 miles of our church are renters. As a renter, you’re not allowed to paint walls, plant trees, or have a pet without permission. Now, before any ‘home owners’ start feeling a bit too smug, Psalm 24 declares:
“The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters” (Psalm 24:1-2).
Truth is, we are all renters! The significance and breadth of God’s kingdom is huge! The extent to which God owns is far-reaching! In fact, the Psalmist makes clear God’s kingdom rule is over everyone and everything! Does that mean God has ownership and rules over the plants and the animals? Yes! Does everything suggest God’s kingdom and rule spreads to everything I own or hope to own, including me? Yes! In this context everything means everything without exemption. What gives God the right to rule? He created everything! 
As renters we have responsibilities. If you rent an apartment, you are expected to take care of it and seek permission to make major changes. It’s the same in God’s Kingdom! We are to care for everything God has given us: our bodies, our minds, our money, our children, our time, our jobs, and our stuff and seek His permission before we make changes! 
So, if we’re renting, how do we pay the rent? The Psalmist says we pay the rent by having clean hands and a pure heart (v. 4). [Jesus] answered: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’” (Luke 10:27). May we be good renters! Blessings, Pastor Dan
One of the oldest traditions in the Church of the Nazarene is to come together each year for a concentrated time of spiritual renewal called ‘Camp Meeting.’ The Michigan Camp Meeting began under a large ‘circus tent’ at Indian Lake Nazarene Camp in Vicksburg with Model A’s and T’s parked outside! Today, we can travel in a modern car and sit in a ‘tabernacle’ in air conditioning (although the seats are still old benches!)
District Assembly and all of the business of the District was completed Mon. afternoon and now we are enjoying the teaching and preaching of Dr. Tom Nobel, Dr. Sam Vassal, and Rev. Chad Bohi. Each of these teachers and preachers are incredible! Pastor Dan will be spending the majority of the week at ‘camp’ in a small cabin (7959 Victory St., Vicksburg, MI) and would love to have you stop by for one service or the whole week! (Note: we will be returning to GR Wed. and Sat. nights). See Pastor Dan for more info. 
While Pastor Dan had suggested everyone come to Indian Lake for Wed. night, it has become clear many cannot, so he will be returning to lead our Bible study this week! So, come and join us at 6:30pm this week and every week for a time of singing, prayer, and study. Remember, we always end our night with ice cream! Come and be blessed!
Next Missionary Gathering is Sun., Jul. 26th at 4pm
Our next missionary gathering is Sun., Jul. 26th at 4pm at the church. Come enjoy a brief study, learn what our missionaries are doing, how to pray for them, and learn how to be missionary in your own neighborhood! We also enjoy snacks and laughter together! So bring a snack, a friend, (even an enemy!) and join us! Youll be glad you did! 
Missionary Books!
NEW Missionary Books are available! There are books designed for children, youth, and adults (adults have the option of listening to the books on CD) to learn about missions. Our goal is to have 100 books read and there will be prizes for the first adults, teens, and children who read them! See Sherry our new NMI President!
Help Feed the Hungry at Supper House – Thu., Aug. 06th at 5:00PM
Do you realize there are people in Grand Rapids who are hungry? There is more need than you ever and Jesus told us we love and serve Him by caring for those who hunger, are in prison, are thirsty, and those who are sick (see Matt. 25:35-36). Your NMI council is committed to loving God and others in other countries and at home! One way to do this is to partner with North End Community Ministry (NECM), pay for a dinner to feed 150 people, and serve at the ‘Supper House’ located at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church. Are you willing to help? (we need 10 servers). See Gerry Dawson if you are interested! 
What could be better than a monthly ladies rendezvous? Two of them of course! Cherry has heard from those who cannot come on Sat. and has added a Tue. option! Praise the Lord! So, now the ladies can get together at the church on Tue., July 21 OR Sat., July 25 between 10:30am and noon! All ladies are invited and welcome! Need a ride? Call Cherry at (616) 916-7595. Need more details? See Gerry D. or Cherry P. 
Thanks again to everyone who gave food in our Run Against Hunger drive for North End Community Ministry (N.E.C.M.). It was also a joy to watch 4 prepare, register, and run the 5k to ‘Run Against Hunger.’ Under the leadership of Janie, Corynne, Paul, and Dan trained and ran 3.1 miles at Cornerstone U. on July 11. We saw many smiles, lots of sweat, and sore muscles, but it was good to know every dollar of every registrant went directly to N.E.C.M. to feed the hungry! Bless everyone who ran and gave! God is good!
“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! 
Yes, we love your children and agree kids can worship and learn about Jesus better when they can create something with their hands, receive a snack to eat, and move around, but our children's workers are taking vacation, so for the next 2 months the kids are staying in the worship service with us! Bless you for understanding! 
Remember! Campbell Soup labels and General Mills box tops are worth cash! While it seems small, it really adds up! This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for Nazarene Sun Valley Indian School. Give your labels and box tops to Fran S. and Sherry J. See Fran or Sherry if you have any questions. 
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
Jul. 12-19 Camp Meeting / Dist. Assm. at I.L.N.C. (Pastor Dan at Camp)
Jul.   16     Third Thursday Chinese Lunch at 11:30am
Jul.   19     Pastor Amanda Earley pulpit supply
Jul.-Aug.   No Children’s Church in Jul. and Aug.
Jul.   26     Missionary Gathering at 4:00pm
Aug. 06     N.E.C.M. Supper House at 5:00pm

Monday, July 6, 2015

Northeast Community News – July 06, 2015

Dear Friends and Family! 
What another wonderful day in the Lord, Sunday! In case you missed this week, Jesse and Jenn announced their engagement this week and their intent to be married on Sept. 26 in our church, and guess what? You’re all invited! What a sacred privilege is ours to have the opportunity to watch Jesus lead and grow and knit a couple together in our midst! Speaking of growth, it was also a joy and blessing to welcome new folks to our church this week! May each one who walks through our doors sense the love of Jesus through our warm embrace! 
God’s message this week came to us from Psalm 123 and was titled, “A Servant’s Heart.” Psalm 123 is a song about service and servant hood. It shows us how to serve God…not by giving us a list of things we could do in the church or in the community (if you want a list like that just ask Larry or Cherry), but focuses on our attitude and approach instead. Here we discover excellent service to God begins with the right attitude! 
First, we will have the right attitude when we serve if we remember who we serve! In v. 1 we read, “I lift up my eyes to you, to you whose throne is in heaven” (Psalm 123:1). The ‘you’ in this text of course is God Himself! So, to whom should we lift our eyes when we serve? The Pastor? The Church Board? Absolutely not! If you want a better attitude about serving; if you want to be a better Christian servant, it begins by remembering you are serving God!
The Psalmist illustrates this in v. 2: “As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid look to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God…” 
The original hearers would have understood this right away. In v. 2 the Psalmist speaks of the lady of the house organizing the work of her servants in the garden, the farm, and the kitchen, while the workers stood attentively focused as they waiting for their orders. They expected work from the master and avoided anything that might distract them. How about you? Do you remain focused on the Master expecting an assignement every day? 
Finally, the original hearers understood the need to respond promptly. Having received their orders, they would have nodded and simply responded, ‘As you wish’ and gone to work. How about you? Do you tend to go straight to work or procrastinate? 
If you want to have a better attitude about serving at church; if you want to be a better servant for Jesus, you start by remembering who you are serving, remain focused on the right master, and then go directly to work! May it be so! Blessings, Pastor Dan
One of the oldest traditions in the Church of the Nazarene is to come together each year for a concentrated time of spiritual renewal called ‘Camp Meeting.’ The Michigan Camp Meeting began under a large ‘circus tent’ at Indian Lake Nazarene Camp in Vicksburg with Model A’s and T’s parked outside! Today, we can travel in a modern car and sit in a ‘tabernacle’ in air conditioning (although the seats are still old benches!)
Camp Meeting begins with District Assembly Sun., Jul. 12thand ends on Sun., July 19th. There are 2 services a day plus a time of discipleship for 1,000+ people. Pastor Dan will be spending the week at ‘camp’ in a small cabin and would love to have you stop by for one service or the whole week! You’ll be blessed! See Pastor Dan or Janie for more info. 
Next Missionary Gathering is Sun., Jul. 26th at 4pm
Our next missionary gathering is Sun., Jul. 26th at 4pm at the church. Come enjoy a brief study, learn what our missionaries are doing, how to pray for them, and learn how to be missionary in your own neighborhood! We also enjoy snacks and laughter together! So bring a snack, a friend, (even an enemy!) and join us! Youll be glad you did! 
Remember to pray for our Yabeez Naseem (our sponsored child)!
Our church sponsors an 11-year-old child from Lahore, Pakistan! While the world seems full of poverty, war and struggle, it’s great to know there is at least one boy receiving emotional, spiritual, and physical support each month BECAUSE OF YOU! Check out his picture, drawings, and report cards on the missionary bulletin board! 
Missionary Books!
NEW Missionary Books are available! There are books designed for children, youth, and adults (adults have the option of listening to the books on CD) to learn about missions. Our goal is to have 100 books read and there will be prizes for the first adults, teens, and children who read them! See Sherry our new NMI President!
Help Feed the Hungry at Supper House – Thu., Aug. 06th at 5:00PM
Do you realize there are people in Grand Rapids who are hungry? There is more need than you ever and Jesus told us we love and serve Him by caring for those who hunger, are in prison, are thirsty, and those who are sick (see Matt. 25:35-36). Your NMI council is committed to loving God and others in other countries and at home! One way to do this is to partner with North End Community Ministry (NECM), pay for a dinner to feed 150 people, and serve at the ‘Supper House’ located at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church. Are you willing to help? (we need 10 servers). See Gerry Dawson if you are interested! 

“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! 
I am neither a prophet nor a politician, but I am deeply troubled by the recent Supreme Court decision regarding homosexual ‘marriage’ and thought it helpful to let you read the official response / position from the General Superintendents (our highest leaders) in the Church of the Nazarene. Please be in prayer for America as we learn to live out our faith in an ever-increasing ‘post-Christian’ world. Pastor Dan
Societies across the globe are engaged in conversations to redefine marriage. Media debates, election-day balloting, and governmental court rulings have provided the platform for this redefinition. We believe a biblical view of marriage involves a monogamous, covenantal relationship between a man and a woman. Jesus said, “At the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate” (Matthew 19:4-6 NIV).
Today the United States Supreme Court, in the 5-4 decision of Obergefell v. Hodges, legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. We remind our people that while the civil law of yet another country has changed, divine truth has not changed. We will learn how this civil definition functions within the context of our constitutional and religious freedoms. Our commitment to the orthodox biblical Christian faith remains the same. We continue to call Nazarenes around the world to a life of holiness, characterized by holy love and expressed through the most rigorous and consistent lifestyle of sexual purity. We further call our people to a generosity and graciousness of spirit that extends kindness to those who do not share our belief. We pray that God will help us be examples of His truth in a world that needs to see God’s love demonstrated in word and deed more than ever.
Jerry D. Porter
J. K. Warrick
Eugénio R. Duarte
David W. Graves
David A. Busic 
Gustavo A. Crocker
Board of General Superintendents – Church of the Nazarene
One estimate is that 50 people from our neighborhood along with 25 from our church came together and celebrated life, love, and the warmth of summer last Sunday! What a joy it was to see so many children and adults laugh, play, and experience love and joy in a safe and fun environment. The food was wonderful and the games were great and God provided the perfect sunny, warm, and breezy day!
Perhaps my favorite part was watching our people love perfect strangers! From seeing some of our older folks having conversations under the ‘shaded tent’ (thank you Ron) to the laughter of children and volunteers alike playing games with other people’s kids, to the gentle smiles offered like Eva M. was giving (a child herself) as she painted ‘aliens and dinosaurs’ on arms, it was obvious you loved God and you loved your neighbors! 
Thank you to everyone who helped set up, cooked and brought food (Judy cooked 10#s of sloppy joe!), volunteered to play a game in the hot sun (even when the equipment did not want to cooperate – right Sherry?), and those who stayed to help clean up! Special thanks go out to Cherry, Steve, Phil, Janie, Cindy, and Valda who did all four! I also want to give thanks to Robert and Bradlee for carrying tables and chairs. What a joy it was to see these two strong pre-teens pitching in to serve God and His church! Please forgive me if I missed you! It really did take a whole church to make this happen! 
Finally, let us give God the glory for the gifts needed to make it all happen! My prayer is that one or two of the families who came to our event will return to worship with us. If you would like to help following up, please see Cherry and/or Pastor Dan! God is good!
Thank you to everyone who gave non-perishable foods in our June Run Against Hunger drive for North End Community Ministry (N.E.C.M.). Bless you for helping the hungry! Remember to pray for Corynne and Janie as they participate in the ‘Run Against Hunger 5k’ at Cornerstone University on July 11. Want to come cheer them on? See Pastor Dan.
Yes, we love your children and agree kids can worship and learn about Jesus better when they can create something with their hands, receive a snack to eat, and move around, but our children's workers are taking vacation, so for the next 2 months the kids are staying in the worship service with us! Bless you for understanding! 
Join us at 6:30pm for a time of singing, prayer, and study for the whole family. Are you willing to help? We need help with children. Jeffrey R., and Danasia O. are coming and if Carrie brings her 3 children we would have 5 kids! We always end our night with ice cream! PS. It is cool in the air conditioned Sanctuary! Come! You’ll be glad you did!
Did you know Campbell Soup labels and General Mills box tops are worth cash? While it seems small, when we work together, it really adds up! This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for Nazarene Sun Valley Indian School in AZ. Start collecting them and give them to Fran S. and Sherry J. Questions? See Fran or Sherry or go to this link:
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
Jul. 12-19 Camp Meeting / Dist. Assm. at I.L.N.C. (Pastor Dan at Camp)
Jul.   16     Third Thursday Chinese Lunch at 11:30am
Jul.   19     Pastor Amanda Earley pulpit supply
Jul.-Aug.   No Children’s Church in Jul. and Aug.
Jul.   26     Missionary Gathering at 4:00pm
Aug. 06     N.E.C.M. Supper House at 5:00pm