
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Northeast Community News – July 13, 2015

Dear Friends and Family! 
Greetings from Indian Lake Nazarene Camp! I do apologize for the lateness of this week’s newsletter, but I’ve been blessed with many activities on our District down here. After our own wonderful service Sunday morning service, about a 1,000 others, including Janie, Fran, Sherry, and I packed up and headed down to camp to prepare for the wonderful ordination service Sunday night (4 were ordained) and District Assembly. This year, we were greeted by visiting General Superintendent Emeritus (J.K. Warrick) because our presiding General Superintendent, Dr. Jerry Porter, was too weak to travel having recently been hospitalized for a-fib as a result of anemia from ulcers. Even with the changes, I am delighted to tell you God was present and glorified! Thank you for your prayers! 
God’s message this week came from Psalm 24 and was titled, “Love the Landlord; Pay the Rent.” According to the last census, 45.6% of the people living within 3 miles of our church are renters. As a renter, you’re not allowed to paint walls, plant trees, or have a pet without permission. Now, before any ‘home owners’ start feeling a bit too smug, Psalm 24 declares:
“The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters” (Psalm 24:1-2).
Truth is, we are all renters! The significance and breadth of God’s kingdom is huge! The extent to which God owns is far-reaching! In fact, the Psalmist makes clear God’s kingdom rule is over everyone and everything! Does that mean God has ownership and rules over the plants and the animals? Yes! Does everything suggest God’s kingdom and rule spreads to everything I own or hope to own, including me? Yes! In this context everything means everything without exemption. What gives God the right to rule? He created everything! 
As renters we have responsibilities. If you rent an apartment, you are expected to take care of it and seek permission to make major changes. It’s the same in God’s Kingdom! We are to care for everything God has given us: our bodies, our minds, our money, our children, our time, our jobs, and our stuff and seek His permission before we make changes! 
So, if we’re renting, how do we pay the rent? The Psalmist says we pay the rent by having clean hands and a pure heart (v. 4). [Jesus] answered: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’” (Luke 10:27). May we be good renters! Blessings, Pastor Dan
One of the oldest traditions in the Church of the Nazarene is to come together each year for a concentrated time of spiritual renewal called ‘Camp Meeting.’ The Michigan Camp Meeting began under a large ‘circus tent’ at Indian Lake Nazarene Camp in Vicksburg with Model A’s and T’s parked outside! Today, we can travel in a modern car and sit in a ‘tabernacle’ in air conditioning (although the seats are still old benches!)
District Assembly and all of the business of the District was completed Mon. afternoon and now we are enjoying the teaching and preaching of Dr. Tom Nobel, Dr. Sam Vassal, and Rev. Chad Bohi. Each of these teachers and preachers are incredible! Pastor Dan will be spending the majority of the week at ‘camp’ in a small cabin (7959 Victory St., Vicksburg, MI) and would love to have you stop by for one service or the whole week! (Note: we will be returning to GR Wed. and Sat. nights). See Pastor Dan for more info. 
While Pastor Dan had suggested everyone come to Indian Lake for Wed. night, it has become clear many cannot, so he will be returning to lead our Bible study this week! So, come and join us at 6:30pm this week and every week for a time of singing, prayer, and study. Remember, we always end our night with ice cream! Come and be blessed!
Next Missionary Gathering is Sun., Jul. 26th at 4pm
Our next missionary gathering is Sun., Jul. 26th at 4pm at the church. Come enjoy a brief study, learn what our missionaries are doing, how to pray for them, and learn how to be missionary in your own neighborhood! We also enjoy snacks and laughter together! So bring a snack, a friend, (even an enemy!) and join us! Youll be glad you did! 
Missionary Books!
NEW Missionary Books are available! There are books designed for children, youth, and adults (adults have the option of listening to the books on CD) to learn about missions. Our goal is to have 100 books read and there will be prizes for the first adults, teens, and children who read them! See Sherry our new NMI President!
Help Feed the Hungry at Supper House – Thu., Aug. 06th at 5:00PM
Do you realize there are people in Grand Rapids who are hungry? There is more need than you ever and Jesus told us we love and serve Him by caring for those who hunger, are in prison, are thirsty, and those who are sick (see Matt. 25:35-36). Your NMI council is committed to loving God and others in other countries and at home! One way to do this is to partner with North End Community Ministry (NECM), pay for a dinner to feed 150 people, and serve at the ‘Supper House’ located at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church. Are you willing to help? (we need 10 servers). See Gerry Dawson if you are interested! 
What could be better than a monthly ladies rendezvous? Two of them of course! Cherry has heard from those who cannot come on Sat. and has added a Tue. option! Praise the Lord! So, now the ladies can get together at the church on Tue., July 21 OR Sat., July 25 between 10:30am and noon! All ladies are invited and welcome! Need a ride? Call Cherry at (616) 916-7595. Need more details? See Gerry D. or Cherry P. 
Thanks again to everyone who gave food in our Run Against Hunger drive for North End Community Ministry (N.E.C.M.). It was also a joy to watch 4 prepare, register, and run the 5k to ‘Run Against Hunger.’ Under the leadership of Janie, Corynne, Paul, and Dan trained and ran 3.1 miles at Cornerstone U. on July 11. We saw many smiles, lots of sweat, and sore muscles, but it was good to know every dollar of every registrant went directly to N.E.C.M. to feed the hungry! Bless everyone who ran and gave! God is good!
“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! 
Yes, we love your children and agree kids can worship and learn about Jesus better when they can create something with their hands, receive a snack to eat, and move around, but our children's workers are taking vacation, so for the next 2 months the kids are staying in the worship service with us! Bless you for understanding! 
Remember! Campbell Soup labels and General Mills box tops are worth cash! While it seems small, it really adds up! This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for Nazarene Sun Valley Indian School. Give your labels and box tops to Fran S. and Sherry J. See Fran or Sherry if you have any questions. 
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
Jul. 12-19 Camp Meeting / Dist. Assm. at I.L.N.C. (Pastor Dan at Camp)
Jul.   16     Third Thursday Chinese Lunch at 11:30am
Jul.   19     Pastor Amanda Earley pulpit supply
Jul.-Aug.   No Children’s Church in Jul. and Aug.
Jul.   26     Missionary Gathering at 4:00pm
Aug. 06     N.E.C.M. Supper House at 5:00pm

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