
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Northeast Community News - December 28, 2015 (Also Larry Branagan's 80th birthday)

Northeast Community News – December 28, 2015
Dear Friends and Family!
Merry Christmas! What a wonderful reminder every year! Christmas reminds us God loved us so very much He sent Jesus to save us! Christmas reminds us Jesus came to seek and save all people from poor workingman shepherds to wealthy kings from the east! When you add ‘Merry’ to Christmas, we’re reminded Jesus came to free the broken captives from their sins and replace it with hope, peace, love, and joy! Surely we are the people who sing robustly, “Joy to the world, the Lord has come! Merry Christmas!
We had two services this week! First, we gathered for our Christmas Eve Service we titled, ‘Carols and Communion.’ As we entered by the light of 150 luminaries, we began our time together acknowledging our losses and bringing them into the presence of our Savior by lighting votive candles. What a sacred opportunity to share each other’s pain in a tangible, visible way. Then, we lit our Advent wreath to remind us of the prophecies Jesus fulfilled when He was born! Then, after singing Christmas carols, a special song, and a short message, we received Communion, lit our candles off the Christ candle and sang Silent night! We concluded our time together eating Christmas Cookies! 
There are so many to thank! Surely, I will miss someone, but we do want to thank Heath and Tara H. for setting out, lighting, and cleaning up our luminaries! Thanks to Cherry, Valda, Tracy, Liz, Anna, and Sherry for lighting our Advent wreath! Thanks to Beverly for leading our singing, Jean for her piano playing, and Tara H. for her special singing! Thanks to Steve for helping with Communion, Janie for the sound and along with Cherry for their delicious cookies! Finally, thanks to Phil P. for being our usher and candle man! 
Our second service this week was our ‘New Years’ worship service Sunday! What a blessing to come together twice in one week to worship! The message titled, “Dressing for New Years” came from Colossians 3:12-17 and asked us we were going to live in the coming year. Would we simply try to look good in 2016 by observing external practices that simply make us ‘look like we are Christian’ (Col. c. 2) instead of being Christian? 
Using the ancient traditional practice of total consecration concluding with disrobing one’s old filthy rags at the shore before baptism, dying to sin and self under the waters of baptism, and being raised to new life clothed in a robe of pure white (sanctification), Paul challenges believers to live a life that matches their new identity as Christians! 
First, in c. 3:5-11, Paul offers a list of some things that should have been left behind! He declares sexual impurity, greed, evil thoughts, rage, malice and lying, for example, are no longer compatible with a life in Christ! These are among the rags you left behind! 
In c. 3:12-17 Paul shares shifts his discussion to list some things Christians ought to be clothed in! “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience” (v. 12). 
In v. 13 Paul reminds Christians to extend the same level of grace to each other they received, and in v. 14 he reminds them to dress themselves in love, which binds them together in perfect unity. Unlike the filthy sinful rags we once wore, we are now robed in Christ-like holiness (a robe of pure white) or we are supposed to be living this way!
So, as you look forward to 2016, are their rags Jesus would ask you to leave behind? Are there things or areas where you need to yield control to the Holy Spirit? Is it time to you yielded everything, died to self, and asked God to sanctify you? This year, may we be the people wearing robes of pure white! To God be the Glory! Blessings, Pastor Dan
Several of you have expressed interest in an alternative New Years Eve Party followed by Communion. This year we are making that a reality! Starting at 6pm, we’ll be playing board games and eating snacks until approximately 11:30pm. Then, we will go over to the church, and receive communion after a brief devotional. Together, we can leave our ‘painful memories /failures of 2015’ behind and commit 2016 to living closer to Christ! 
Feel free to come and go during the party, just come to the 11:30pm service, or sleep through the whole thing (as I’ve done in the past). We do plan to have two ‘nap rooms’ set up at the parsonage if you want to come and need to take a quick nap or two! Please RSVP if possible and if you have any questions, see Pastor Dan or Janie!
We’ve had several indicate an interest in the Church of the Nazarene and membership and so we are planning membership classes! Attendees receive a small book providing the history and beliefs of the Church of the Nazarene and an opportunity to examine their spiritual gifts! If you’re interested in learning more about folks called Nazarenes and/or would like to become a member of the church, please let Pastor Dan know!
Although one person thought I was kidding (and found the church locked), we really have moved our Wed. night Bible study to the parsonage across the parking lot (883 Fuller Ave NE). We’ve done this to being good stewards by not heating the church over the winter. The Study is 6:30-7:30 and we will still eat ice cream! Hope to see you there! 

Someone asked if you had to be a member to have a box of giving envelopes? Absolutely not! Everyone’s encouraged to ask Anna or Janie for a box of giving envelopes and give!  With envelopes you will also receive an end of year giving statement, too! Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).
It’s that wonderful season when we use hand sanitizer and give our best ‘fist bumps’ instead of hugs! Not sure what a fist bump is? It’s easy! Simply make a loose fist and gently reach out towards someone. They’ll reach their fist out and gently ‘bump’ yours! It’s fun and it is a good way to stop the spread of the cold and flu!
Our next Third Thursday Chinese Lunch is Jan. 21 at the Hibachi Grill on Alpine Ave. It’s a great time to eat, share joys, concerns and even laugh! Questions? See Tracy or Linda!
What a joy to read the following news from the Church of the Nazarene after our own record $625 giving! Stewardship Ministries announced global participation in the 2015 Thanksgiving Offering for the World Evangelism Fund was “extremely generous." 
Through the gifts and mission commitment of Nazarenes everywhere, God continues to bless ministries around the world. More than $433,000 has been received, and more gifts arrive daily. “A gift to the World Evangelism Fund is one of the best kinds of gifts,” said Mark Lail, director of Stewardship Ministries. “These donations allow the Church of the Nazarene to offer hope and the message of salvation to people everywhere. We believe that these gifts will make an eternal difference.” Wohoo! God is good! Amen!
Sherry reported readership is up dramatically! Not reading? See Sherry J. on Wed. or Sun. and get started! God is on the move! Read about it in the Missions books!
Thank you to everyone who is collecting Campbell Soup labels and General Mills box tops! While it seems small, the cash they generate really adds up! This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for Nazarene Sun Valley Indian School. Questions, labels and box tops should go to Fran S. and Sherry J.
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed!
Dec. 31     New Year’s Eve Party 6:00pm / Service 11:30pNortheast Community News – December 28, 2015
Dear Friends and Family!
Merry Christmas! What a wonderful reminder every year! Christmas reminds us God loved us so very much He sent Jesus to save us! Christmas reminds us Jesus came to seek and save all people from poor workingman shepherds to wealthy kings from the east! When you add ‘Merry’ to Christmas, we’re reminded Jesus came to free the broken captives from their sins and replace it with hope, peace, love, and joy! Surely we are the people who sing robustly, “Joy to the world, the Lord has come! Merry Christmas!
We had two services this week! First, we gathered for our Christmas Eve Service we titled, ‘Carols and Communion.’ As we entered by the light of 150 luminaries, we began our time together acknowledging our losses and bringing them into the presence of our Savior by lighting votive candles. What a sacred opportunity to share each other’s pain in a tangible, visible way. Then, we lit our Advent wreath to remind us of the prophecies Jesus fulfilled when He was born! Then, after singing Christmas carols, a special song, and a short message, we received Communion, lit our candles off the Christ candle and sang Silent night! We concluded our time together eating Christmas Cookies! 
There are so many to thank! Surely, I will miss someone, but we do want to thank Heath and Tara H. for setting out, lighting, and cleaning up our luminaries! Thanks to Cherry, Valda, Tracy, Liz, Anna, and Sherry for lighting our Advent wreath! Thanks to Beverly for leading our singing, Jean for her piano playing, and Tara H. for her special singing! Thanks to Steve for helping with Communion, Janie for the sound and along with Cherry for their delicious cookies! Finally, thanks to Phil P. for being our usher and candle man! 
Our second service this week was our ‘New Years’ worship service Sunday! What a blessing to come together twice in one week to worship! The message titled, “Dressing for New Years” came from Colossians 3:12-17 and asked us we were going to live in the coming year. Would we simply try to look good in 2016 by observing external practices that simply make us ‘look like we are Christian’ (Col. c. 2) instead of being Christian? 
Using the ancient traditional practice of total consecration concluding with disrobing one’s old filthy rags at the shore before baptism, dying to sin and self under the waters of baptism, and being raised to new life clothed in a robe of pure white (sanctification), Paul challenges believers to live a life that matches their new identity as Christians! 
First, in c. 3:5-11, Paul offers a list of some things that should have been left behind! He declares sexual impurity, greed, evil thoughts, rage, malice and lying, for example, are no longer compatible with a life in Christ! These are among the rags you left behind! 
In c. 3:12-17 Paul shares shifts his discussion to list some things Christians ought to be clothed in! “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience” (v. 12). 
In v. 13 Paul reminds Christians to extend the same level of grace to each other they received, and in v. 14 he reminds them to dress themselves in love, which binds them together in perfect unity. Unlike the filthy sinful rags we once wore, we are now robed in Christ-like holiness (a robe of pure white) or we are supposed to be living this way!
So, as you look forward to 2016, are their rags Jesus would ask you to leave behind? Are there things or areas where you need to yield control to the Holy Spirit? Is it time to you yielded everything, died to self, and asked God to sanctify you? This year, may we be the people wearing robes of pure white! To God be the Glory! Blessings, Pastor Dan
Several of you have expressed interest in an alternative New Years Eve Party followed by Communion. This year we are making that a reality! Starting at 6pm, we’ll be playing board games and eating snacks until approximately 11:30pm. Then, we will go over to the church, and receive communion after a brief devotional. Together, we can leave our ‘painful memories /failures of 2015’ behind and commit 2016 to living closer to Christ! 
Feel free to come and go during the party, just come to the 11:30pm service, or sleep through the whole thing (as I’ve done in the past). We do plan to have two ‘nap rooms’ set up at the parsonage if you want to come and need to take a quick nap or two! Please RSVP if possible and if you have any questions, see Pastor Dan or Janie!
We’ve had several indicate an interest in the Church of the Nazarene and membership and so we are planning membership classes! Attendees receive a small book providing the history and beliefs of the Church of the Nazarene and an opportunity to examine their spiritual gifts! If you’re interested in learning more about folks called Nazarenes and/or would like to become a member of the church, please let Pastor Dan know!
Although one person thought I was kidding (and found the church locked), we really have moved our Wed. night Bible study to the parsonage across the parking lot (883 Fuller Ave NE). We’ve done this to being good stewards by not heating the church over the winter. The Study is 6:30-7:30 and we will still eat ice cream! Hope to see you there! 

Someone asked if you had to be a member to have a box of giving envelopes? Absolutely not! Everyone’s encouraged to ask Anna or Janie for a box of giving envelopes and give!  With envelopes you will also receive an end of year giving statement, too! Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).
It’s that wonderful season when we use hand sanitizer and give our best ‘fist bumps’ instead of hugs! Not sure what a fist bump is? It’s easy! Simply make a loose fist and gently reach out towards someone. They’ll reach their fist out and gently ‘bump’ yours! It’s fun and it is a good way to stop the spread of the cold and flu!
Our next Third Thursday Chinese Lunch is Jan. 21 at the Hibachi Grill on Alpine Ave. It’s a great time to eat, share joys, concerns and even laugh! Questions? See Tracy or Linda!
What a joy to read the following news from the Church of the Nazarene after our own record $625 giving! Stewardship Ministries announced global participation in the 2015 Thanksgiving Offering for the World Evangelism Fund was “extremely generous." 
Through the gifts and mission commitment of Nazarenes everywhere, God continues to bless ministries around the world. More than $433,000 has been received, and more gifts arrive daily. “A gift to the World Evangelism Fund is one of the best kinds of gifts,” said Mark Lail, director of Stewardship Ministries. “These donations allow the Church of the Nazarene to offer hope and the message of salvation to people everywhere. We believe that these gifts will make an eternal difference.” Wohoo! God is good! Amen!
Sherry reported readership is up dramatically! Not reading? See Sherry J. on Wed. or Sun. and get started! God is on the move! Read about it in the Missions books!
Thank you to everyone who is collecting Campbell Soup labels and General Mills box tops! While it seems small, the cash they generate really adds up! This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for Nazarene Sun Valley Indian School. Questions, labels and box tops should go to Fran S. and Sherry J.
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed!
Dec. 31     New Year’s Eve Party 6:00pm / Service 11:30p
Jan.  21     Third Thu. Chinese Lunch @ 11:30 (Hibachi Alpine)
Jan.  22-23        District NYI Celebrate Life at Kuyper College
Feb. 08     Northeast Community Potluck
Feb. 10     Ash Wednesday (Lent begins)
Feb. 14     Valentines Day
Mar. 13     Daylight Savings Time begins (Spring Forward)
Mar. 27     Easter Sunday
Jan.  21     Third Thu. Chinese Lunch @ 11:30 (Hibachi Alpine)
Jan.  22-23        District NYI Celebrate Life at Kuyper College
Feb. 08     Northeast Community Potluck
Feb. 10     Ash Wednesday (Lent begins)
Feb. 14     Valentines Day
Mar. 13     Daylight Savings Time begins (Spring Forward)
Mar. 27     Easter Sunday

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