
Monday, May 1, 2017

Northeast Community News – May 1, 2017

      What a wonderful day we had in the Lord, Sunday! What a joy it was to make new friends and see old ones! Especially sweet was to see Angela V. come for part of our service! While intense anxiety required her to leave a bit earlier than she would have hoped, to see her at all was a very special blessing! Please do pray for Angela as she recovers from 5 weeks in the hospital.  From Angela, to returning visitors, to people on the mend, it was a wonderful time in the Lord! 
         Sunday afternoon I had the special joy of enjoying a cup of coffee at Dick and Emily Morse’s house. While life has begun to slow down a bit for these two wonderful saints, they are still full of smiles, joy, and laughter! How long has it been since you visited the Morse’s…or any of our older more shut-in folks? I can assure you Phyllis P., Catherine T., and Barb B., and the Morse’s would love a visit! Trust me, you’ll be blessed even more than they will be blessed! 
         Finally, please pray for Marc C. (former member) who lost his dad (Jim Cody) last week. This Fri. (5/5)Marc will be hosting an informal gathering in our fellowship hall from 2-6 pm for friends and family to share memories.  Further, Marc has advised his dad didn’t have any insurance so Marc created a ‘gofundme’ page to offset the burial expenses. If you would like the link to this page let me know and I will forward it to you! Please continue to pray for the family! 
God’s message to us this week came from Luke 24:13-34 and was titled, “Hearts Still Burning.”  Have you ever felt like your life was a handful of jigsaw puzzle pieces, but you couldn’t figure out where they fit into the larger picture? The moments after Christ’s Resurrection came fast with random sightings of angels, empty tombs, and even chance encounters with Jesus Himself. 
One of these chance encounters happened between two disciples on the road to Emmaus. As Jesus came and walked with them (though they didn’t recognize Him), they did their best to remember O.T. prophecy and what Jesus had taught, but they just couldn’t put it all together and come up with an explanation that offered a satisfying answer to the puzzle.
Apparently, the longer the disciples talked, the more they demonstrated their lack of faith. The real problem solving the puzzle wasn’t in their heads but their hearts. He [Jesus] said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” (Luke 24:25-26). 
You see, these disciples could have talked about the ‘things that had happened recently’ for days and never found a satisfying answer. What they needed was a fresh encounter with God’s Living Word! In v. 27 we read Jesus began with Moses and used the Scriptures to open their eyes and realize Jesus wasn’t only alive but was right there with them! 
         Do we ever spend countless hours trying to make sense of the world around us and fail to find a satisfying answer? Truth is, Facebook, and dining room tables across the world are filled with these types of conversations. Want the puzzle pieces in your own life to make sense? Read your Bible, pray, worship, and encounter God through the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit. May hearts still burn as the Spirit leads us into the presence of Jesus! 
                    Blessings, Pastor Dan
WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY is moving to the church
Beginning this week, May 3rd, we will be meeting at the church for Bible Study and fellowship.  We hope to see you there!
Since the first National Day of prayer proclaimed by President Truman in 1952, every president since (including President Trump) has challenged Americans to turn to God in prayer for our nation. In 1988, President Raegan declared the National Day of Prayer would be held on the first Thursday in May. America still needs prayer! You will find a prayer guideline on the table outside the sanctuary if you would like one.
Get your coupons for diapers and head to the stores!  We are collecting this precious gift for mothers who have little ones and have only a little money.  Let’s see if we can beat last year’s donation!
If you are interested in having a Friday night full of laughter, Chonda Pierce, with special guest, Karyn Williams, are at Grand Rapids First Church 5/5.  Tickets can be purchased at  
Attention members! Church elections will take place Sunday, May 21st. Members are asked to make a special effort to be present and vote to elect your representatives for this next church year (The next church year runs from June 01, 2017 – May 31, 2018). Your voice is important, so make sure to vote Sunday morning! Larry Branagan will be handing out ballots before and after Sunday school.
Indian Lake Nazarene Camp has a wonderful summer camp for students of all ages. At 
camp kids learn to feel good about themselves, gain self-confidence, self-esteem, learn leadership skills, make friends, and learn about God’s love for them! You can learn more by going to this link:
Discovery Camp        Completed K – 2nd grade      Jul. 05-07
Adventure Camp       Completed 2nd – 4th grade    Jul. 24-28
Voyager Camp           Completed 4th – 6th grade     Jul. 31-Aug. 04
Mid. School Camp      Completed 6th – 8th grade     Jul. 10-14
High School Camp     Completed 9th – 12th grade  Jun. 26-30      
Note: All camps are $ 285 (except for Discovery Camp which is $ 135)
We will be meeting at the church for this time of fellowship and fun.  We will be discussing our breakfast menu for the Renucci House for August.   Call or text Cherry for any questions @ 616-916-7595.  
The church is looking for someone who is interested in being a sound booth technician.  You will need to be able to attend music practices Sunday morning at 9 AM.  Let Janie know if you are interested at 616-204-2499 or
The Michigan District Church of the Nazarene presents:  
At the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw Island on May 28 – May 30, 2017
 A Moment in Time is open to all ages of families and individuals.  The cost is only $345 per person.  Children ages 12-17 are $185 and children birth to age 11 are free.  
Price includes:
·        Two nights lodging at the historic Grand Hotel
·        Two delectable five course dinners
·        Two scrumptious breakfasts (choice of menu/breakfast buffet or continental)
·        Adult round-trip ferry ride (ages 5-11 are $12)
·        All baggage handling
 The first non-refundable deposit of $50 is due by March 27th. The balance is due April 22nd.  Please see the attached brochure for all of the details!
   I'm writing to invite you and any members of your church to be a part of the largest Nazarene Work & Witness project called, One Heart - Many Hands Indianapolis 2017!  This week-long service project will take place June 18-23.   In a recent conversation with Dr. David Downs, the District Superintendent of the West Texas District, it came to my attention that many pastors are under the impression that One Heart - Many Hands (OHMH) projects are just for youth groups. In actuality, OHMH is a Work & Witness project geared for the entire church to participate in. Many churches bring multi generational groups who work on the project and learn from each other. In past General assembly years we have averaged 2000 Nazarenes serving together with OHMH to leave the fingerprints of God all over the General Assembly host city.   I'm sure you receive hundreds of emails each year encouraging you and your church to be a part of something…  OHMH is a unique Work & Witness project that not only affords your group the opportunity to be involved in missions together but also to experience the Global Church of the Nazarene in a very visible and tangible way as team members participate in the General Assembly services.   Would you prayerfully consider encouraging your church to take advantage of this opportunity to serve alongside thousands of Nazarenes this summer in Indianapolis?  For more information about this service project please contact our office at or visit our website at       Thank you, George Sisler
Thank you to everyone who is collecting Campbell Soup labels and General Mills box tops! While it seems small, the cash they generate really adds up! This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for Nazarene Sun Valley Indian School. Questions, labels and box tops should go to Fran S. or Sherry J.
Is there someone missing or would like to invite to church? Why not grab a few church postcards and send them out? A simple hand written note blesses everyone! You will find them on the table under the missionary bulletin board in the Annex.
“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! Feel free to take one! You’ll find them located on the table outside the sanctuary!
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter, just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
May 3                         Wednesday Service @ 6:30 PMat the church
May                            Annual Diaper Drive begins
May 4                         National Day of Prayer
May 5                         Happily Laughter After Tour with Chonda Pierce at Grand Rapids 
                                    First Church
May 18                       Third Thursday Chinese Lunch at Hibachi Grill @ 11:30 AM
May 20                       Women’s Rendezvous @ church @ 10:30 AM
May 22                       Church Elections
May 28                       A Moment in Time at the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw Island
June 18-23                 General Assembly 2017 Work & Witness Project

June 26                       Indian Lake Camps begin

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