
Monday, December 4, 2017

Northeast Community News – December 4, 2017

  Dear Friends and Family! 
    It was another wonderful day in the Lord, Sunday, but I must confess the loss of our dear Barb Buning Saturday afternoon made it bittersweet.  Jerry told me the funeral and luncheon at the church will take place Saturday at 1 PM so his son Darryl can travel to make it.  I know Barb couldn’t wait to go to heaven and see her Savior Jesus face to face! While we mourn her passing, praise God that Barb will spend Christmas with Jesus this year. Do keep the family in your prayers! 
    This week was also bittersweet because we are under construction! While your church board approved to have the wood floor refinished and new carpeting laid, they did not expect to find asbestos floor tile that needed to be removed at additional cost! Honestly, posting a ‘pardon our dust’ sign or two wouldn’t have done justice for the amount of disruption we endured this week! Still, the Lord ‘showed up’ and we were blessed with a wonderful service! Thank you for understanding as we improve God’s house! The final coat of acrylic on the wood will take place today and come Sat. we will be able to walk on it again. Then, NEXT Tue. the carpet will be laid. It has been a process, but it will be beautiful for Christmas! Bless you for your patience! 
    God’s message Sunday came from Mark 13:24-37 and was titled, “He is Coming.” With all of the construction and feelings of loss, it could have been easy to forget we’ve begun Advent Sunday. Advent is a time of expectation as we wait for Jesus’ return. In our text Jesus is speaking to the coming persecution believers will experience as they await his return, that no one knows when it will be, and their need to be ready for His unexpected return. 
    While the first hearers faced the Temple’s destruction, intense persecution and famine, we also live at a time when Christians are persecuted and our culture is systematically trying to destroy Christianity. Like the first disciples, disciples today can feel hopeless, fear, and question! 
    But, Jesus gives us reason to remain hopeful! Speaking of His return Jesus said: “At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 27 And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens” (Mark 13:26-27). When Jesus returns He will establish a Kingdom sin is rejected and justice, righteousness, and truth reign forever! The Devil will be defeated! In the new Kingdom there will be no more pain or sickness or death or immorality or situational ethics! Woohoo! 
But, the question is, are you ready for His return? While scholars appear foolish for getting the date wrong, He is coming again! in vv. 36-37 Jesus declares, “If he [Jesus]comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’” (Mark 13:36-37).
         Today, it would be easy to be lulled to sleep or lose hope or become so fixated on when Jesus returns we forget to share our faith with others. As we embrace the first Sunday in Advent, we must neither be complacent or fearful. As Christians, we remain a people filled with hope, joy, and a desire to share the good news! Even so, come Lord Jesus!
                            Blessings, Pastor Dan
Please join the family in celebrating Barb’s life at her memorial service this Saturday.  This will be at 1 PM at the church.  
These lovely Christmas flowers are available in 5 colors: red, white, pink, jingle-bells, and marble.  They come in 6-1/2” pots wrapped in foil for only $7. Orders need to be placed by Sunday, Dec. 10th.  Please include payment with your order.  
                        ANNEX FLOOR BEING REFINISHING! 
Because of your continued generous giving, the church board approved the refinishing of the annex wood floor starting Tue., Nov. 28! The annex floors will undergo a 7-day process to sand, stain, and seal them by Classic Wood Floors. In fact, we will not be able to walk on the wood floors until Sun., Dec. 10th .
Since we will not be able to walk on the annex floor between Nov. 28 and Dec. 12, we will need to make the following temporary changes during the project:
  • The Wed. Night Bible Study on Dec. 06 will meet at the parsonage. 
  • The annex furniture (inc. the stove/refrigerator) will be stored in the nursery. 
  • We will still use the table under the bulletin board for cookies, coffee, and cocoa.
Bless you for your understanding! We are told maintenance in the future will be a 2-day process avoiding these challenges in the future. Thank you for making our church more beautiful, and better maintained! We praise God for your faithfulness! Amen!
                             LOBBY CARPET REPLACEMENT IS COMING!! 
Again, because of your continued generous giving, the church board also approved the replacement of the carpeting in our lobby area including the stairs to the basement. The carpeting replacement is scheduled for Mon., Dec. 11th and should only take one day. The carpet and wood floors have needed attention for a long time! What a blessing to realize both of these projects will be completed before Christmas (and all of our visitors!) Thanks to the trustees for recommending these projects and those who give for making our church a more beautiful and inviting place to worship God! God is good! All the time! Amen!
On Saturday, December 16th, bring  your 1-2 dozen favorite Christmas cookies to exchange with others.  We will meet at the church at 10:30 AM for this fun event!  So, get out those recipes and prepare to bake!
Be ready to again collect items for the much needed kits that are used in disasters.  
Each Crisis Care Kit includes the following new items in a 2-gallon Zip-loc bag:
  • 1 medium size bottle of shampoo (12-18 oz)  [Please tape the flip-tops closed]
  • 2 bars of soap (bath-size or larger)
  • 1 medium toothpaste (4.0-6.4 oz)
  • 3 toothbrushes (in original packaging)
  • 1 box of Band-Aids (30 or more)
  • 1 fingernail clipper
  • 1 sturdy hair comb
  • 2 hand towels
  • 4 pocket-size packages of facial tissue
  • 1 Beanie Baby-size stuffed toy
    Each Crisis Care Kit (CCK) should contain only the items/QUANTITIES REQUESTED.  Items in the CCK MUST MATCH INVENTORY.
    Deviating from this list can cause an entire shipment to be rejected in customs.  The cost of the items for typical CCK is about $20.                           
  • There is a “prayer mail box” out by the bus stop.  Many hurting and broken people are walking right past us without a church to pray for them!  If you are interested, let Pastor Dan know by calling/texting (616) 204-1153 or email him at  
A series of membership classes will be starting soon.  If you are interested in learning more about the Church of the Nazarene, or becoming a member of our church, please let Pastor Dan know by contacting him at: 616-204-1153 or
The church is looking for someone who is interested in being a sound booth technician.  You will need to be able to attend music practices Sunday morning at 9 AM.  Let Janie know if you are interested at 616-204-2499 or
Thank you for collecting General Mills box tops!  This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for the Native American Christian Academy. Questions and box tops should go to Fran S. or Sherry J.
Is there someone missing or would like to invite to church? Why not grab a few church postcards and send them out? A simple hand written note blesses everyone! You will find them on the table under the missionary bulletin board in the Annex.
“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! Feel free to take one! You’ll find them located on the table outside the sanctuary!
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter, just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 

December                          Crisis Care Kit Collection
December 6                       Wed. Night Meeting @ 6:30 PM at the parsonage
December 10                     Last Day to order Poinsettias
December 16                    Annual Cookie Exchange @ church @ 10:30 AM

December 21                    3rd Thursday Chinese Lunch @ Hibachi Grill – 11:30 AM

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