
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Northeast Community News – January 22, 2018

   Dear Friends and Family! 
    We had another wonderful day in the Lord, Sunday! Gerry D. led us in another wonderful hour of deep, rich, and meaningful discipleship. This is certainly not your parents Sunday school. The material and her helpful ‘tangents’ always lead us in deep meaningful conversation. Currently, we’re studying the book of Isaiah and I can honestly say there isn’t a week when I haven’t left our class with something to lead me deeper in my faith. How about you? Who is discipling you? How are you being led to ‘grow in grace’ on a weekly basis? Maybe, you should join us Sunday morning at 9:45am. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed! God is good! (All the time).
    God’s message this week came to us from Jonah 3:1-10 and titled, “Reluctant Obedience.” Last week, we discovered God’s persistence in a young boy’s call to ministry. God continued to call Samuel until he recognized God’s voice. Though only a boy, Samuel responded obediently!
    This week we find Jonah also receiving a call from God. But, instead of immediate obedience, Jonah runs from God by boarding a ship headed for Tarshish (v. 1:3). Perhaps he ran because he knew Nineveh was a godless, violent and wicked place and an enemy of Israel. Because he ran, our gracious God sends a storm and a 3-day prayer meeting to reconsider his response. 
    What about you? Are you running from God? Are their people God is calling you to speak that you don’t think ‘deserve grace?’ How is God using your circumstances to get your attention? 
After being ‘tossed’ on shore, God speaks again: “Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time: “Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you” (Jonah 3:1–2). Reluctantly, he obeys. And, the godless, violent and wicked people of Nineveh respond by repenting and turning to God! (3:8-9). “When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction he had threatened” (Jonah 3:10). Woohoo! Praise God! Right? Well, not according to Jonah!
    Jonah isn’t happy the Ninevites repent and God has compassion. (See chapter 4). Perhaps Jonah found it hard to accept his former enemies had become his brothers and sisters. Regardless, Jonah couldn’t imagine a world where Ninevites and Israelites could share life together.   
    How about you? Who are the people you’ve written off as too vile, godless, and brutal to be redeemed? Regardless of who you might declare ‘scum of the earth’, hear this: God loves them just as much as He loves you! In John 3:16-17 we discover Jesus came and died for ALL people! It’s time to set aside our divisions and love God and others this week!
                            Blessings, Pastor Dan

Meet at the church for a time of education about what is going on in other countries, what we can do here in our mission field, and enjoy some snacks.  See you there!
We are collecting items to help the homeless during the cold weather and will distribute these love offerings in February.   GOAL = 50 BAGS     These items are needed:
  • Socks
  • Combs
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
  • Band-Aids
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Kleenex
  • Crackers (or other non-perishable food items)
  • Bottle of Water
  • Mints
  • Dental Floss
  • Feminine Hygiene products
  • Words of Encouragement
  • Black permanent Marker 

    Each Crisis Care Kit includes the following new items in a 2-gallon Zip-loc bag:
  • 1 medium size bottle of shampoo (12-18 oz)  [Please tape the flip-tops closed]
  • 2 bars of soap (bath-size or larger)
  • 1 medium toothpaste (4.0-6.4 oz)
  • 3 toothbrushes (in original packaging)
  • 1 box of Band-Aids (30 or more)
  • 1 fingernail clipper
  • 1 sturdy hair comb
  • 2 hand towels
  • 4 pocket-size packages of facial tissue
  • 1 Beanie Baby-size stuffed toy
Each Crisis Care Kit (CCK) should contain only the items/QUANTITIES REQUESTED.  Items in the CCK MUST MATCH INVENTORY.      Deviating from this list can cause an entire shipment to be rejected in customs. The cost of the items for typical CCK is about $20.
On Saturday, March 17th, 2018, Lay Leadership & Clergy can meet at Perry High & Middle School for volunteer workshops.  (Early registration is February 15th for $30; Final registration is by March 1st and costs $40)
April 15th service will be at The Lakes Community (Muskegon) at 6 PM
April 22nd service will be at Perry at 6 PM
Indian Lake Nazarene Camps will start June 18-22 for High School Camp (completed grades 9-12); Middle School Camp (completed grades 6-8) is June 25-29; Discovery Camp (completed grades K-2) is July 1-3; Adventure Camp (completed grades 2-4) is July 9-13; and Voyager Camp (completed grades 4-6) is July 23-27.  Cost will be announced later & includes a T-shirt.  
There is a “prayer mail box” out by the bus stop.  Many hurting and broken people are walking right past us without a church to pray for them!  If you are interested, let Pastor Dan know by calling/texting (616) 204-1153 or email him at  
                                                        INTERESTED IN CHURCH MEMBERSHIP?
A series of membership classes will be starting soon.  If you are interested in learning more about the Church of the Nazarene, or becoming a member of our church, please let Pastor Dan know by contacting him at: 616-204-1153 or
                                                         SOUND BOOTH PERSON STILL NEEDED:
The church is looking for someone who is interested in being a sound booth technician.  You will need to be able to attend music practices Sunday morning at 9 AM.  Let Janie know if you are interested at 616-204-2499 or
Thank you for collecting General Mills box tops!  This program has provided PA equipment, computers, and even a 15-passenger van for the Native American Christian Academy. Questions and box tops should go to Fran S. or Sherry J.
Is there someone missing or would like to invite to church? Why not grab a few church postcards and send them out? A simple hand written note blesses everyone! You will find them on the table under the missionary bulletin board in the Annex.

“Reflecting God” is a daily devotional guide our church makes available free to anyone interested. The devotions provide a brief truth from the Bible every day. Reflecting God also has a section for reading the Bible in a year and praying for our missionaries! Feel free to take one! You’ll find them located on the table outside the sanctuary!
Remember, to keep our prayer lists current, we only place requests in the newsletter and bulletin for 3 weeks without an update. If you want to keep your prayer request in the bulletin or newsletter, just keep filling out the tear off tabs and keep us informed! 
Until Mid-March      Crisis Care Kit Collection
Until Feb. 14             Homeless Items Bag collection
January 24                 Wed. Night Meeting @ 6:30 PMat church
January 28                 Mission Sunday at church @ 5 PM
February 11              Potluck after AM service
February 15              3rd Thursday Lunch @  Hibachi Grill off Alpine
February 24              Women’s Rendezvous @ 10:30 AM at church

March 17                   Team Day 8am-4pm at Perry High & Middle School

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